AI#2 grammar 8th
  • 1. Choose the correct sentence
A) Always I go to the park at the weekend
B) I go always to the park ath the weekend
C) I always go to the park at the weekend
  • 2. Choose the correct sentence
A) I sometime watch cartoons on TV
B) I sometimes watch cartoons on TV
C) I watch sometimes cartoons on TV
  • 3. Choose the correct sentence
A) My sister usualy doesn't play football after dinner
B) My sister doesn't usually play football after dinner
C) My sister doesn't usual play footbal after dinner
  • 4. Choose the correct sentence
A) My best friend says always bad things about me
B) My best friend never says bad things about me
C) My best friend says never bad things about me
  • 5. Choose the correct sentence
A) My teacher gives us always homework!
B) My teacher always gives us homework!
C) My teacher all way gives us homework
  • 6. Do you _____ chocolate milk?
A) likes
B) be like
C) like
  • 7. He ______ not want to go to the movies
A) do
B) does
C) is
  • 8. He __________ now
A) wants breakfast
B) play tennis
C) walk homes
  • 9. Sorry, Lisa_________ not here at the moment.
A) am
B) is
C) be
  • 10. They are not here. They ________ right now.
A) are on holiday
B) swim at the beach
C) go to school
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