TestOut Gr 6 Coordinate Plane

Label the x and y axis and the origin

the       axis
the       axis

In coordinate graphing we label the four quadrants with

the roman numerals I, II, III, and IV.  Number I has been

labeled for you.  Label the other three quadrants by

writing II, III, or IV in the box provided.

Fill in the blank
to complete the 
ordered pair.
(-4,   )

(-2,   )

Fill in both blanks 
to write an ordered
pair for the point 

(  ,  )

(  ,  )

(  ,  )

(  ,  )

(  ,  )

Click on (2, -1)
Click on (-2, -1)
Click on (1, -2)
Click on (0, -1)
Click on (-1, -2)
Click on (0, -2)
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