Ch. 4 Colonial Times Test
  • 1. The first English rulers of Carolina were
    p. 82
A) Juan Pardo and Anthony Ashley Cooper
B) settlers from Barbados
C) the Lords Proprietors
D) the Kiawah
  • 2. William Hilton was an explorer who
    p. 84
A) built a resort on Hilton Head Island
B) was sent to find gold and silver
C) was sent to find a good place for English settlers to build a colony
D) started a rice plantation in Carolina
  • 3. Which is NOT true about Henry Woodward?
A) He wrote a set of laws for the new colony.
B) He helped start a fur trade with Native Americans.
C) He may have been one of the first Europeans to grow rice in South Carolina.
D) He stayed with native people to become friends with them and learn their language.
  • 4. Settlers from Barbados came to Carolina because they
    p. 85
A) wanted to find better soil for their tobacco crops
B) wanted religious freedom
C) knew how to set up a colony and could teach the settlers how to survive in Carolina
D) were tired of living in Barbados
  • 5. Which does NOT describe the Huguenots?
    p. 88
A) men became government leaders
B) started social clubs
C) came to Carolina from Spain
D) became part of the elite class
  • 6. A plantation is ----
    p. 87
A) a cash crop
B) a colony
C) a trading post
D) a large farm
  • 7. Backcountry settlers raised ALL of the following on their farms but ----
    p. 89
A) horses
B) dairy cows
C) chickens
D) pigs
  • 8. Which of the following groups of people did NOT live in the backcountry
    pgs. 88-90
A) Scots-Irish
B) Germans
C) Huguenots
  • 9. Which of the following was NOT a problem in the colony of Carolina? pgs. 91-95
A) farming
B) diseases
C) wars between settlers and Native Americans
D) pirates
  • 10. The Yemassee War was fought because
    pgs. 94-95
A) the colonists were tired of being pushed off their land
B) the Yemassee wanted the colonists’ farms
C) the Yemassee were trying to defend their homeland
D) the Lords Proprietors would not send supplies
  • 11. The colonists were unhappy with how the Lords Proprietors were ruling the colony, so they
    pgs. 94-95
A) asked for the royal government to take over the colony
B) started the Yemassee War
C) governed themselves
D) asked pirates to take control of the colony
  • 12. Why did Carolina split into two parts? p. 96
A) It had become too big and it was difficult to rule over.
B) The settlers who came from Barbados were bossy.
C) There were too many problems for one governor to handle.
D) Plantations were taking over the whole colony.
  • 13. For enslaved people, which was NOT a part of the journey by ship to the Carolinas?
    p. 96-97
A) given very little to eat
B) the lack of fresh air
C) clean drinking water
D) being chained together
  • 14. In his book, Olaudah Equiano described the journey by ship from Africa. What did he call the trip?
    p. 97
A) the Middle Passage
B) the Trip of Horror
C) Sullivan's Island
D) the Barbados experience
  • 15. What happens at an auction?
    p. 97
A) goods are unloaded off ships
B) goods are traded
C) goods are sold to the highest bidder
D) goods are given away
  • 16. Which two crops were known as 'cash crops' in the Carolinas?
A) indigo and tobacco
B) cotton and indigo
C) rice and tobacco
D) rice and indigo
  • 17. Why did rice grow so well along the Carolina coast?
    p. 98
A) It was easy to grow and very little work.
B) There were lots of swamps and rivers along the coast.
C) Plantation owners had all the right tools for growing it.
D) The enslaved Africans knew how to grow it.
  • 18. Which is NOT a way slaves helped start rice plantations?
    pgs. 98-99
A) They hired other people to plant the rice.
B) They knew how to grow rice.
C) They harvested the rice.
D) They built dikes to keep the rivers from flooding the fields
  • 19. Indigo was easier to grow than rice, but much more difficult to harvest. pgs. 98-99
A) False
B) True
  • 20. Which is NOT a way slaves kept their African culture alive?
    pgs. 102-104
A) They traveled to Africa to visit relatives.
B) They developed a language and culture called Gullah.
C) They played music, sang, and danced like they had in Africa.
D) They cooked African foods.
  • 21. Slaves resisted against their owners by
    pgs. 106-107
A) working slowly, open rebellion, getting new jobs
B) burning the rice crops, reading books, keeping their African culture alive
C) spending lots of money, running away, taking their owners to court
D) keeping their African culture alive, running away, open rebellion
  • 22. The Stono Rebellion changed life for everyone in the colony.
    Explain how in your own words.
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