Ancient Egypt Quiz
  • 1. This was the fertile land that surrounded the Nile River:
A) Mesopotamia
B) Black Land
C) Farm Land
D) Fertile Soil
  • 2. This was the desert land surrounding the fertile land of Egypt:
A) Nile River Valley
B) Brown Land
C) Red Land
D) Silt Land
  • 3. This is the system of writing and symbols developed and used by the Ancient Egyptians
A) Papyrus
B) Hieroglyphics
C) Cuneiform
D) Symbolic writing
  • 4. This is the long, thin reed that grows wild along the Nile; it was used by the Egyptians to create a paper-like substance
A) Linen
B) Hieroglyphics
C) Cotton
D) Papyrus
  • 5. This was the title for the ruler of Egypt
A) Pharaoh
B) King
C) Lord
D) Emperor
  • 6. Egyptian imaginary creature having a body of a lion and the head of a man or other animals
A) Mummy
B) Sarcophagus
C) Natron
D) Sphinx
  • 7. Special treated bodies wrapped in cloth to preserve the body of a pharaoh
A) Dynasty
B) Burial
C) Purification
D) Mummies
  • 8. A triangle shaped area of land with rich soil deposited the Nile; this is where the Nile River starts to spread before emptying into the sea
A) The Delta
B) The Persian Gulf
C) Valley of the Kings
D) The Eastern Area
  • 9. An oval design, similar to a log, used to write a god's or pharaohs' name was called:
A) cartouche
B) sarcophagus
C) papyrus
D) delta
  • 10. Huge stone tombs with four triangle shaped walls that met at a point on top, built in Ancient Egypt
A) obelisk
B) pyramids
C) mummy
D) sphinx
  • 11. A stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics
A) Ten Commandments
B) Hammurabi's Code
C) Cartouche
D) Rosetta Stone
  • 12. The world's longest river that provided food and trade for the people in Egypt
A) Nile River
B) Amazon River
C) Tigris River
D) Euphrates River
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