SAT Prep Vocab 1
  • 1. abhor
A) loathe
B) admire
C) the core of the body
  • 2. bigot
A) narrow-minded, prejudiced person
B) a style of French bread
C) free love
  • 3. counterfeit
A) a German countess
B) fake; false
C) corner booth; bench
  • 4. enfranchise
A) disappoint
B) deprive of privilege
C) give voting rights
  • 5. hamper
A) unobtrusive
B) hinder; obstruct
C) a tool used for pounding nails
  • 6. kindle
A) a child
B) a small electronic device
C) to start a fire
  • 7. noxious
A) without injury; unhurt; unharmed
B) harmful; poisonous; lethal
C) flatulence; passing of gases from the body
  • 8. placid
A) agitated
B) a lake
C) calm; peaceful
  • 9. remuneration
A) numbering something again
B) payment for work done
C) to be ripped off
  • 10. talisman
A) a totem pole
B) a Survivor tribe
C) lucky charm
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