Week 16- Spelling Test
  • 1. Choose the correct word
A) occupation
B) occpution
C) ocupation
D) occupetion
  • 2. Choose the correct word
A) operetion
B) opiration
C) operation
D) operatoin
  • 3. Choose the correct word
A) reguletion
B) regulaton
C) regualtion
D) regulation
  • 4. Choose the correct word
A) reservation
B) resrvation
C) reservaton
D) resirvation
  • 5. Choose the correct word
A) observaton
B) observation
C) observeton
D) obsarvation
  • 6. Choose the correct word
A) conpemsation
B) compensation
C) compensaton
D) compinsation
  • 7. Choose the correct word
A) obligation
B) obligaton
C) obligetion
D) oligation
  • 8. Choose the correct word
A) invitation
B) invitetion
C) invetation
D) invitaton
  • 9. Choose the correct word
A) conversation
B) converseton
C) conversaton
D) conversetion
  • 10. Choose the correct word
A) admiration
B) admiraton
C) admeration
D) admireton
  • 11. Choose the correct word
A) investigaton
B) investegation
C) investigation
D) invistigation
  • 12. Choose the correct word
A) cogratulations
B) congratulatons
C) congratulations
D) conratulations
  • 13. Choose the correct word
A) exprisson
B) expresion
C) expression
D) expreson
  • 14. Choose the correct word
A) derecton
B) dericton
C) directon
D) direction
  • 15. Choose the correct word
A) possesson
B) possession
C) possesion
D) posession
  • 16. Choose the correct word
A) prediction
B) predction
C) pridicton
D) predecton
  • 17. Choose the correct word
A) discusson
B) discusion
C) discussion
D) discusseon
  • 18. Choose the correct word
A) greduation
B) graduaton
C) graduetion
D) graduation
  • 19. Choose the correct word
A) cenviction
B) convecton
C) convictoin
D) conviction
  • 20. Choose the correct word
A) imprission
B) impressoin
C) impresion
D) impression
  • 21. Choose the correct word
A) couthurnal
B) cothural
C) coturnal
D) cothurnal
  • 22. Choose the correct word
A) sidulous
B) sedolus
C) sedilous
D) sedulous
  • 23. Choose the correct word
A) obcurantism
B) obsurantism
C) obscurantism
D) odscurantism
  • 24. Choose the correct word
A) edherent
B) adherent
C) abherent
D) aderent
  • 25. Choose the correct word
A) autheritarian
B) authoritarian
C) aufhotitarian
D) authoritaran
  • 26. Choose the correct word
A) certitude
B) certitube
C) certifude
D) cerfitube
  • 27. Choose the correct word
A) dormetory
B) dornitory
C) dormitory
D) dormitery
  • 28. Choose the correct word
A) humenoid
B) humanoid
C) humanoid
D) hunanoid
  • 29. Choose the correct word
A) ocupant
B) occuqant
C) occupant
D) occupent
  • 30. Choose the correct word
A) urdanete
B) urbanete
C) urbanite
D) urdanite
  • 31. Choose the correct word
A) adjoned
B) adjoined
C) edjoibed
D) adoined
  • 32. Choose the correct word
A) mispelleng
B) mispelling
C) missepeling
D) misspelling
  • 33. Choose the correct word
A) ensolvable
B) insolveble
C) insolvable
D) inselvable
  • 34. Choose the correct word
A) intolerance
B) entolerance
C) intoleramce
D) infolerance
  • 35. Choose the correct word
A) disappaeance
B) disappearance
C) disapperance
D) disapearence
  • 36. Choose the correct word
A) lavetory
B) levatory
C) lavatory
D) lavafory
  • 37. Choose the correct word
A) missfep
B) misstap
C) mistep
D) misstep
  • 38. Choose the correct word
A) excursion
B) excurson
C) excusion
D) exzursion
  • 39. Choose the correct word
A) ninetenth
B) nineteenth
C) nineteeneth
D) ninetheenth
  • 40. Choose the correct word
A) alternating
B) altermating
C) alterneting
D) alfernating
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