diagnostic english 3
  • 1. the ... language is English
A) importanting
B) most important
C) more importanter
D) most importanting
  • 2. the English book ..... by my english teacher
A) written
B) was written
C) writing
D) wrote
  • 3. If she ... early, she ... early
A) get up-arrive
B) gets up- will arrive
C) got up - will arrive
D) getting-will arived
  • 4. Sam usually ... shopping by bus
A) has go
B) go
C) gone
D) goes
  • 5. Sue and Joseph ... car next month
A) are buying
B) will bought
C) are bought
D) were buying
  • 6. Women ... long dresses 300 hundred years ago.
A) are using to
B) are used
C) uses to
D) used to wear
  • 7. Peter .... a pet when he was a child.
A) did not had
B) did not has
C) does not have
D) did not have
  • 8. My mom has an ... ring
A) amazing, white, ring
B) white, ring, gold
C) gold,white ring
D) amazing, ring, white
  • 9. ...she .... the carpet?
A) has - breaking
B) has - broken
C) has - broked
D) has - break
  • 10. Tom ... the tomatoes when the alarm fire turned on
A) is cutted
B) was cut
C) is cutting
D) was cutting
  • 11. ... she was running, she was drinking water.
A) While
B) Then
C) So
D) However
  • 12. I' m so hungry , I ... buy something
A) did
B) do
C) going
D) will
  • 13. My Mom bought vegetables, she is.. .. to prepare soup.
A) could
B) go to
C) going
D) may
  • 14. Sonia is gainning weight , She ... do exersice.
A) can
B) may
C) should to
D) should
  • 15. .... you boil water, it .......
A) if- will evaporate
B) If- evaporates
C) If- can evaporate
D) If - evaporate
  • 16. The coffee is too hot, ..... ?
A) is not it?
B) yes,It is?
C) is it?
D) It is ?
  • 17. "she is so tired", he said
A) she said, she must be tired
B) She said she will be tired
C) he said she is so tired
D) he said she was so tired
  • 18. Tom will make a Poster
A) A poster will make by Tom
B) A poster will be made by Tom
C) A poster will made by Tom
D) A poster will made Tom
  • 19. Sue was cleaning the house
A) The house was cleaning by Sue
B) The house was being cleaned by Sue
C) The house was being cleaning by Sue
D) The house was being clean by Sue s clean
  • 20. Sue has not cleaned the house ....
A) for
B) since
C) already
D) yet
  • 21. What do you do for a living?
A) what I do for a living
B) she asked me what I did for a living
C) she asked me what I have done for a living
D) she asked me what I do for a living
  • 22. If he had studied harder at school....
A) He would go to the university
B) He will go to the univesity
C) He goes to the university
D) He would have gone to the university
  • 23. If I did not feel so tired .......
A) I go with you
B) I would have gone with you
C) I would gone with you
D) I would go with you
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