  • 1. Cracks in the earth where rock is crushed and bent.
A) earthquakes
B) v-lines
C) faults
D) p-lines
  • 2. Area around the Pacific Ocean with lots of earthquake and volcano activity.
A) Pacific Ring
B) Ring of Fire
C) Earthquake Zone
D) Mt. Fuji
  • 3. The different plates on the earth are always moving by pushing and sliding against each other. This is called...
A) seismography
B) Pangea
C) platology
D) continental drift
  • 4. The instrument used to detect record the waves from an earthquake.
A) neumograph
B) richter scale
C) seismograph
D) mercalli scale
  • 5. Any kind of earthquake or volcanic activity on earth is called this...
A) continental drift
B) flying plates
C) subduction
D) seismic
  • 6. Which of the following was formed by volcanoes?
A) Hawaii
B) India
C) Africa
D) Greenland
  • 7. Where does the lava from volcanoes originates from?
A) Crust
B) Mantle
C) Core
D) Ocean
  • 8. This is used to measure how powerful an earthquake is.
A) Zonometer
B) Mercalli Scale
C) Richter Scale
D) Seismo Scale
  • 9. An earthquake of this magnitude would cause minor damage, but would probably not destroy any buildings
A) 2.4
B) 6.2
C) 7.3
D) 9.1
  • 10. What is the center point of an earthquake called?
A) fault
B) epicenter
C) center line
D) plate
  • 11. The name of the land mass that had all of the 7 continents together on it.
A) Palia
B) Greek
C) Elturo
D) Pangea
  • 12. True or False: Earthquakes can happen in Iowa
A) True
B) False
  • 13. What Island Nation did we watch on the video experience a massive Tsunami that caused enormous damage and death
A) Japan
B) Iceland
C) Iraq
D) Hawaii
  • 14. What location would you likely find the "pillow" like lava formations?
A) Caulderas
B) Cone type Mountain
C) Fred's Beds
D) Ocean Floor
  • 15. In what state would you most likely find buildings designed to have special modifications for earthquakes?
A) Kentucky
B) South Dakota
C) California
D) Vermont
  • 16. When two plates crash into each other, what is typically formed?
A) Mountains
B) Rain forests
C) Deserts
D) Rivers
  • 17. True or False: Earthquakes can happen in a rain forest biome.
A) False
B) True
  • 18. What is the best type of land to build on?
A) Bedrock
B) Marsh
C) Fault Zone
D) Landfill
  • 19. An earthquake in the ocean that produces large waves is called this.
A) Hurricane
B) Seismograph
C) Tsunami
D) Typhoon
  • 20. True or False: Large waves can destroy buildings.
A) False
B) True
  • 21. Plates that push together are called
A) Divergent
B) Transform
C) Convergent
  • 22. Plates that push apart are called
A) Transform
B) Divergent
C) Convergent
  • 23. Plates that slide past one another
A) Transform
B) Convergent
C) Divergent
  • 24. This type of land formation often forms around divergent plates
A) Islands
B) Mountains
C) Rift
  • 25. The continent that has the fewest number of major earthquakes is...
A) Europe
B) North America
C) Africa
D) South America
  • 26. An earthquake that measured 2.0 on the Richter Scale...
A) Would cause minor damage to buildings
B) Would not be felt, but could be detected by a seismograph
C) Would shake walls and knock things off tables
D) Would cause major damage
  • 27. Which of the following is NOT a lethal component of a volcano?
A) Liquefaction
B) Noxious Gases
C) Pyroclastic Flow
D) Lahars
  • 28. What are the long tubes that come out of the Magma chamber and stretch up the length of the volcano?
A) conduit
B) vent
C) cauldera
D) cone
  • 29. High viscosity magma means what?
A) causes highly explosive eruptions
B) large amounts of gas
C) thick, sticky magma
D) all of these
  • 30. What comes out of a effusive eruption?
A) just gas and ash
B) low viscosity lava
C) high viscosity magma
D) hydrothermal eruptions
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