Dear Levi Novel Test
  • 1. From whose point of view is this story told?
A) Reuben
B) Austin
C) Levi
D) Mr. Hickman
  • 2. What type of genre or literature is this selection?
A) biography
B) nonfiction
C) historical fiction
D) realistic fiction
  • 3. At the very beginning of the novel, what is the setting?
A) Florida
B) Mexico
C) Pennsylvania
D) Oregon
  • 4. About how long will the journey take for the pioneers?
A) three weeks
B) a year and a half
C) 365 days
D) four or five months
  • 5. What does Austin compare the three young girls' noise or racket to?
A) a howling wolf
B) a hen house
C) a thunderstorm
D) the prairie at twilight
  • 6. What was Mrs. Morrison's most valuable or prized possession?
A) a looking glass or mirror
B) a calico quilt
C) a rocking chair
D) a cooking pot
  • 7. Which of the following was NOT a food mentioned that was prepared by Reuben?
A) broiled prairie dog
B) sage hen soup
C) garlic buffalo bites
D) sweet black mice pie
  • 8. Why was Old Bill so still?
A) He had a wounded leg.
B) He was stuffed with gold.
C) Bill was attacked by a snake.
D) He was just old and tired.
  • 9. What was something Mr. Morrison enjoyed reading?
A) maps
B) the Bible
C) newspapers
D) letters from relatives
  • 10. Where did Mr. Morrison say most pirate treasure found be found?
A) in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
B) along the coast of Spain
C) near Cuba
D) in religious missions
  • 11. What did Mr. Hickman plan to do before the journey's end?
A) kill a buffalo
B) shoot an Indian
C) lead the wagon train
D) go swimming in the Columbia River
  • 12. What happened because Frank was late for his chores?
A) He had to go to bed early.
B) His dad whipped him.
C) He had to do twice as many chores.
D) He had to be last in the wagon train.
  • 13. What was the name of the landmark that a wagon train passed on July 4th?
A) Liberty Stone
B) Patriot Pebble
C) Independence Rock
D) Freedom Rock
  • 14. What wild animal did the boys see and try to remain very still so it would not catch their scent?
A) grizzly bear
B) badger
C) buffalo
D) panther
  • 15. Why did Mr. Hickman need a doctor?
A) He was attacked by Indians.
B) He had eaten poisonous berries.
C) His mule kicked him in the head.
D) He had so many mosquito bites.
  • 16. What part of the buffalo was used for fuel?
A) the bones
B) the shaggy fur
C) the sharp horns
D) buffalo chips
  • 17. What name did the Cantrell's choose for their new baby after crossing the river?
A) Charlotte
B) Caroline
C) Virginia
D) Columbia
  • 18. What was the reason for Austin's journey?
A) more gold
B) rich farmland
C) a better climate
D) to worship as a Mormon
  • 19. What did Austin learn when he reached the lumber camp?
A) Gold had been discovered by two men.
B) Frank and Hiram were leading a wagon train back to the East Coast.
C) There was no work available for him.
D) Mr. Zikes had sold his Pa's land.
  • 20. What was the author's purpose in writing this novel?
A) to give us information on the lifestyle of the people who traveled along the Oregon Trail
B) to give us directions on how to get to Oregon safely
C) to persuade people to go West for gold
D) to entertain us and make us laugh at tall tales
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