Rounding Numbers
  • 1. Round 451 to the nearest tens place.
A) 450
B) 460
C) 500
D) 480
  • 2. Round 3,169 to the nearest tens place.
A) 3,160
B) 3,100
C) 3,170
D) 3,200
  • 3. Round 708 to the nearest tens place.
A) 800
B) 700
C) 900
D) 710
  • 4. Round 3 to the nearest tens place.
A) 4
B) 100
C) 0
D) 10
  • 5. Round 29,631 to the nearest hundreds place.
A) 29,700
B) 29,600
C) 30,000
D) 29,610
  • 6. Round 6,309 to the nearest hundreds place.
A) 7,000
B) 6,310
C) 6,300
D) 6,400
  • 7. Round 783 to the nearest hundreds place.
A) 800
B) 790
C) 700
D) 1,000
  • 8. Round 7,203 to the nearest thousands place.
A) 8,000
B) 7,000
C) 7,430
D) 7,210
  • 9. Round 463 to the nearest tens place.
A) 460
B) 1000
C) 480
D) 500
  • 10. Round 463 to the nearest hundreds place.
A) 460
B) 453
C) 500
D) 480
  • 11. Round 463 to the nearest thousands place.
A) 0
B) 500
C) 400
D) 1000
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