Ella Enchanted Analogies Chapters 1-5
  • 1. Grasp is to seize as give is to -
A) timid
B) bestow
C) minx
D) descend
  • 2. Cook is to kitchen as courtiers is to -
A) chef
B) person
C) school
D) royal court
  • 3. Billy is to the Ozarks as Ella is to -
A) village
B) England
C) Paris
D) Frell
  • 4. Sir Peter is to Father as Lady Eleanor is to -
A) Mother
B) Queen
C) Fairy godmother
D) Courtier
  • 5. genius is to simpleton as intelligent is to -
A) numskull
B) intelligent
C) coax
D) indifferent
  • 6. Char is to Charmont as Ella is to -
A) Eleanor
B) Elizabeth
C) Cinderella
D) Emily
  • 7. swift is to quick as -
A) linger is to tarry
B) hurry is to hearty
C) tarry is to indignant
  • 8. docile is to rebel as -
A) rebel is to solider
B) faithful is to steadfast
C) steadfast is to unfaithful
  • 9. Ella age five is to finding out about the curse as -
A) Ella age thirteen is to meeting Lucinda
B) Ella age fifth-teen is to Mother dying
C) Ella age seven is to breaking the curse
  • 10. Where the Red Fern Grows is to historical fiction as -
A) Ella Enchanted is to science fiction
B) Ella Enchanted is to non-fiction
C) Ella Enchanted is to fantasy fiction
  • 11. What is the relationship of to analogy? Book is to read as pencil is to write
A) object is to use
B) person is to object
C) use is to action
D) part is to whole
  • 12. What is the relationship of the analogy? gown is to black as grasshopper is to green
A) where something is found
B) how something looks
C) what something does
D) how something is made
  • 13. What is the relationship of the analogy? loathe is to love as bellow is to whisper
A) synonyms
B) antonyms
C) time
D) objects
  • 14. What is the relationship of the analogy? Unicorn hair is to heal as KJ's to to pay
A) use is to action
B) object is to person
C) object is to use
D) part is to whole
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