Space exploration
  • 1. What was the name of the first satellite?
A) Explorer 1
B) Apollo1
C) Cosmos 1
D) Sputnik
  • 2. Who was the first man in space?
A) Yuri Gargarin
B) Alan Shepard
C) John Glenn
D) Neil Armstrong
  • 3. Who was the first American in space?
A) Alan Shepard
B) John Glenn
C) Neil Armstrong
D) Gus Grissom
  • 4. Who was the first American to orbit the earth?
A) Neil Armstrong
B) John Glenn
C) Scott Carpenter
D) Alan Shepard
  • 5. Who was the first person on the moon?
A) Buzz Aldren
B) John Glenn
C) Michael Collins
D) Neil Armstrong
  • 6. What year did the first moon walk take place?
A) 1969
B) 1972
C) 1957
D) 1962
  • 7. What is the famous quote from the first moon walk?
A) "To go places and do things that have never been done before - that's what living is all about."
B) "Houston, we have a problem."
C) "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed."
D) "That's one small step far man. One giant leap for mankind."
  • 8. Where did the Mariner spacecrafts explore?
A) The outer planets
B) Mars
C) The inner planets
D) The moon
  • 9. Where did the Viking spacecrafts explore?
A) The inner planets
B) The outer planets
C) Mars
D) The moon
  • 10. Where did the Apollo spacecrafts explore?
A) The earth and moon
B) The outer planets
C) Mars
D) The inner planets
  • 11. Where did the Voyager spacecrafts explore?
A) Mars
B) The inner planets
C) The outer planets
D) The moon
  • 12. How did the solar system form?
A) From the gravitational attraction between molecules.
B) From a the gases left over from an exploding star.
C) Neither of the above answers.
D) Both of the above answers.
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