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1Force and Motion LT 1/2 Quiz
Contribució de: Pohly
  • 1. Potential energy is energy that is
A) Energy of position
B) Energy of position and stored energy
C) Energy of motion
D) Stored energy
  • 2. Kinetic energy is energy that is
A) Stored energy
B) Energy of motion
C) Energy of position and stored energy
D) Energy of position
  • 3. Which of the following examples show potential energy
A) Girl on top of a diving board
B) Holding books
C) All of the answer choices
D) An apple on top of a table
  • 4. Which of the following examples show kinetic energy?
A) All of the answer choices
B) Car racing on a track
C) Ball rolling down a hill
D) Kicking soccer ball
  • 5. As mass increases in an object the amount of force required to move it?
A) Decreases
B) Stays the same
C) Doesn’t affect it
D) Increases
  • 6. What force is acting on a ball that is rolling across the floor?
A) Gravity
B) Kinetic energy
C) Potential energy
D) Friction
  • 7. What is the main force acting on a pebble rolling down a mountain?
A) Potential energy
B) Kinetic energy
C) Friction
D) Gravity
  • 8. What type of energy is represented by the letter A?
A) Kinetic energy
B) Potential energy
  • 9. What are the net forces in the following diagrams?
A) 10 (N)
B) 0(N)
C) 20 (N)
  • 10. What are the net forces in the following diagrams?
A) 18 (N)
B) 12 (N)
C) 2 (N)
  • 11. The energy related to the motion of an object is called —
A) electrical energy
B) chemical energy
C) kinetic energy
D) potential energy
  • 12. At what point would the Speedy roller coaster car have the most kinetic energy?
A) 4
B) 3
C) 5
D) 6
  • 13. At what point would the Speedy roller coaster car have the most potential energy?
A) 6
B) 4
C) 5
D) 3
  • 14. The graph above shows the position of a moving object from 0 to 5 seconds. Which of the following statements is TRUE for the moving object?
A) The moving object is traveling at a constant speed throughout the measurement.
B) The distance the moving object travels is the same for each second.
C) The moving object is slowing down and finally stops at the 5­second mark.
D) The moving object is accelerating and changing its speed throughout the measurement.
  • 15. As the ball rises in the air, it is acted on by the force of gravity. This force causes the ball to —
A) slow down, change direction, and then speed up until it falls to the ground
B) travel in the same direction until it hits the ground
C) speed up, keep its same direction, and then slow down as it falls to the ground
D) travel at the same speed until it hits the ground
  • 16. Students in a physics class placed a steel ball at the top of a long ramp. As the ball rolled down the ramp, the students measured the distance the ball had traveled at various times. What unbalanced force is affecting the steel ball the most, and how is it affecting the ball's motion?
A) Gravity is the greatest unbalanced force, and it is causing the ball to speed up.
B) Friction with the ramp is the greatest unbalanced force, and it is causing the ball to slow down.
C) The initial push of the ball is the greatest unbalanced force, and it is causing the ball to speed up.
D) Friction with the air is the greatest unbalanced force, and it is causing the ball to slow down.
  • 17. What type of energy is represented by the letter b?
A) Potential Energy
B) Kinetic Energy
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