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Animal Farm Multiple Choice
Contribució de: Hemphill
  • 1. Which scene from Animal Farm shows that all of the animals WERE equal?
A) Snowball run out by dogs
B) Animals singing song of revolution
C) Pigs moving into house
D) Boxer sent to glue factory
  • 2. Which scene from Animal Farm shows that all of the animals were NOT equal?
A) Pigs moving into house
B) Animals sing song of revolution
C) Kicking farmer Jones off the farm
D) Animals protecting farm the 1st time people came to take it over
  • 3. Which character in Animal Farm worked tirelessly, until he could no longer work?
A) Squealer
B) Napoleon
C) Boxer
D) Benjamin
  • 4. Benjamin's vision of the pigs near the end of Animal Farm made them seem to be more like Communists, where everyone was equal, than like Mr. Jones, the brutal dictator.
A) True
B) False
  • 5. What event in Russian history was represented by Mr. Jones being forced off the farm in Animal Farm?
A) Cuban Missile Crisis
B) World War II
C) Bolshevik Revolution
D) World War I
  • 6. Who was forced to leave Animal Farm, because he was Napoleon's main rival?
A) Benjamin
B) Old Major
C) Squealer
D) Snowball
  • 7. Which character in Animal Farm was used by Napoleon to make it sound like everything was alright?
A) Benjamin
B) Boxer
C) Old Major
D) Squealer
  • 8. Which character(s) in Animal Farm were used by Napoleon to enforce his rules/laws on the other animals?
A) Benjamin
B) Dogs
C) Boxer
D) Chickens
  • 9. Which character in Animal Farm did all of the animals look up to in the beginning of the movie, the leader of the revolution?
A) Napoleon
B) Old Major
C) Squealer
D) Mr. Jones
  • 10. Who was Animal Farm written by?
A) King George
B) George Pappadopolis
C) George Orwell
D) George Powell
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