ThatQuiz Biblioteca Intenteu aquesta prova
LEC CBT for Basic 5&6 (Islamic Studies)
Contribució de: Ogunrinola
  • 1. After Qur'an, ______ is the second source of Islamic law.
A) Qiyas
B) Ijma'a
C) Risalat
D) Kitab
E) Hadith
  • 2. Which of the companions married two of Prophet Muhammad's daughters?
A) Alli bn Abutalib
B) Abdullahi bn Ukhafa
C) Uthman bn Affan
D) Abdur-Rahman bn Khaof
E) Umar bn Khattab
  • 3. Iman is to faith as _____ is to disbelief.
A) sawm
B) teslim
C) zakat
D) tekbir
E) shirk
  • 4. ______ is the only chapter of the Holy Qur'an that has two 'Bismillahi Rahmanir-Raheem'
A) Suratul-Baqorah
B) Suratun-Namli
C) Suratun-Nur
D) Suratun-Nisai
E) Suratu Yasin
  • 5. ''Tarawih'' is observed at night in the month of _____
A) Shawwal
B) Ramadan
C) Rajab
D) Muharam
E) Sofar
  • 6. A hadith is said to be ''Doif'' if it is _____
A) long
B) small
C) weak
D) good
E) strong
  • 7. 'As-Sobur' means _____
A) Giver
B) Reminder
C) Patience
D) Helper
E) Creator
  • 8. The number of chapters of the Holy Qur'an revealed to the prophet in Medinah is _____
A) 28
B) 92
C) 86
D) 114
E) 144
  • 9. With _____ we purify ourselves from major impurities.
A) As-Solat
B) At-Tayamam
C) Al-Guslu
D) As-Sodaqah
E) Al-Wudu
  • 10. The first ''Muazin'' in Islam was_____
A) Shuaib
B) Bilal
C) Abbas
D) Umar
E) Zayd
  • 11. The Prophet Muhammad migrated from Makkah to Madinah in the year ____ CE.
A) 322
B) 422
C) 622
D) 522
E) 722
  • 12. The longest chapter of the Holy Qur'an is Suratul _____
A) Yasin
B) Mujadalah
C) Baqorah
D) Fatiha
E) Mu'min
  • 13. Prophet Muhammad was born in the year _____ CE
A) 350
B) 650
C) 750
D) 570
E) 450
  • 14. _____ is the shortest chapter of the Holy Qur'an.
A) Fatiha
B) Quraysh
C) Mu'min
D) Kaothar
E) Ikhlas
  • 15. Abubakr, Umar, Uthman and _____ were the four rightly guided Caliphs
A) Zubair
B) Abu Ubaedah
C) Alli
D) Hamzah
E) Abutalib
  • 16. The wives of Prophet Muhammad were often referred to asthe mothers of _____
A) house
B) mosque
C) men
D) women
E) faithful
  • 17. How many sons did Prophet Ya'qub (father of Prophet Yusuf) have?
A) 12
B) 15
C) 14
D) 13
E) 11
  • 18. Prophet Muhammad was born in Makkah, and he died in _____
A) Mekkah
B) Riyyad
C) Toif
D) Udaybiyyah
E) Madinah
  • 19. Prophet Muhammad's mother was Aminah while _____ was his father.
A) Abubakr
B) Abdullah
C) Alli
D) Hamzah
E) Umar
  • 20. Prophet Muhammad was from _____ tribe.
A) Muhajirun
B) Quraysh
C) Ubali
D) Habilahb
E) Ansur
  • 21. How old was the Prophet when his mother died?
A) 9
B) 11
C) 6
D) 25
E) 7
  • 22. The sayings of Prophet Muhammad are known as _____.
A) Qur'an
B) Hadith
C) Sirah
D) Shi'r
E) Nathr
  • 23. The believe in the oneness of Allah is called _____.
A) Taoheed
B) Ahad
C) Mu'min
D) Samad
E) Waheed
  • 24. Angels are made from ______.
A) fire
B) sand
C) water
D) clay
E) light
  • 25. There are _____ days in the Islamic lunar month.
A) 29 or 30
B) 31 or 32
C) 30 or 31
D) 28 or 29
E) 27 or 28
  • 26. Mala'ekah means ______.
A) jinns
B) messengers
C) angels
D) believers
E) prophets
  • 27. What is the first month of Islamic Calendah?
A) Rajab
B) Muharram
C) Rabi-ul Awwal
D) Ramadan
E) Shawwal
  • 28. In Arabic language, associating partner with Allah is called ______.
A) Ithmun
B) Dhanbun
C) Qobihun
D) Shirk
E) Bid'ah
  • 29. What is the meaning of the name of Allah ''Ar-Razzaq''?
A) The Beneficient
B) The Provider
C) The Protector
D) The Sustainer
E) The Forgiver
  • 30. 'Al-Injeel'' was revealed to prophet _______.
A) Isa
B) Yusuf
C) Ibrahim
D) Musa
E) Sulayman
  • 31. The two angels who record our deeds are _______.
A) Israfil and Mikahil
B) Jubril and Ridwan
C) Munkar and Nokir
D) Raqib and Atid
E) Iblis and Jinn
  • 32. The percentage of Zakaah payable on money is ______.
A) 2.5
B) 15
C) 25
D) 1.5
E) 0.25
  • 33. What is dry or sand ablution called?
A) Janazah
B) Tayammum
C) Wudu
D) At-taharah
E) Ghusl
  • 34. How many times is Allahu Akbar mentioned in Ssolatus-Subh?
A) 9
B) 11
C) 13
D) 17
E) 15
  • 35. 'Barak Allahu fik'' means ______.
A) May Allah forgive you
B) May Allah love you
C) May Allah bless you
D) May Allah reward you
E) May Allah increase you in knowledge
  • 36. How many gates has paradise?
A) 5
B) 4
C) 8
D) 7
E) 6
  • 37. The prophet Muhammad's nursing mother was _____.
A) Khadijah bint Khuwaihd
B) Aminat bint Wahab
C) Faatimah bint Muhammad
D) Halimatus-Sa'diyyah
E) Zaynab bint Jash
  • 38. Who accompanied Prophet Muhammad when migrating to Yathrib (Madinah)?
A) Ali
B) Umar
C) Zayd
D) Abubakr
E) Uthman
  • 39. Where did prophet Muhammad receive the first revelation?
A) Madinah
B) baytul Arqam
C) Cave Hira
D) Minah
E) Al-Janah
  • 40. When does Eidul-Fitri come up?
A) 1st Ramadan
B) 1st Dhul-qaadah
C) 1st Dhul-hijjah
D) 1st Muharram
E) 1st Shawwal
  • 41. ''the Fashioner'' is called ______ in Arabic.
A) Al-Bariu
B) Al-Razzaq
C) Al-Azeez
D) Al-Musawwir
E) Al-khaliq
  • 42. The ''All Knowing'' means _____.
A) Al-Alim
B) Al-Hayyu
C) Al-Haqq
D) Al-Awwal
E) Al-Fattah
  • 43. What is the number of days in Islamic Calendar?
A) 304
B) 350
C) 354
D) 366
E) 365
  • 44. What is Adhaan?
A) Construction of mosque
B) Prayer
C) Donation
D) Call to prayer
E) Fasting
  • 45. Which is the most sacred place for Muslims?
A) Central mosque
B) Al-Aqsa mosque
C) Mount Thawr
D) Blue mosque
E) Ka'abah
  • 46. What is the meaning of Al-Haadi?
A) The Eternal
B) The Merciful
C) The Guide
D) The Best
E) The Loving
  • 47. How many rakats are there in Jummah Salat?
A) 5
B) 3
C) 4
D) 2
E) 1
  • 48. What was the first Qur'anic word revealed to prophet Muhammad?
A) Think
B) Pray
C) Write
D) Worship
E) Iqrah (read)
  • 49. How many surahs were revealed in Makkah?
A) 86
B) 28
C) 40
D) 14
E) 18
  • 50. There are ______ articles of faith and _____ pillars of islam
A) six / six
B) five / six
C) six / five
D) five / seven
E) five / five
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