ThatQuiz Biblioteca Intenteu aquesta prova
Week 14 Spelling Test
Contribució de: Chawke
  • 1. Choose the correct answer
A) umreasonable
B) unreasnable
C) uneasonable
D) unreasonable
  • 2. Choose the correct answer
A) incomfortable
B) unconfortable
C) uncomfortable
D) uncomtorable
  • 3. Choose the correct answer
A) unusual
B) unsual
C) unsual
D) unusal
  • 4. Choose the correct answer
A) umpopular
B) unpopilar
C) unpoqular
D) unpopular
  • 5. Choose the correct answer
A) undesirable
B) undesiriable
C) umdesirable
D) unbesirable
  • 6. Choose the correct answer
A) imnature
B) immeture
C) immafure
D) immature
  • 7. Choose the correct answer
A) inpossible
B) impossible
C) imposible
D) inpossiblle
  • 8. Choose the correct answer
A) impatient
B) inpatient
C) impetient
D) impateint
  • 9. Choose the correct answer
A) impolete
B) impolite
C) inpolite
D) impelite
  • 10. Choose the correct answer
A) inpersonal
B) imquersonal
C) impersenal
D) impersonal
  • 11. Choose the correct answer
A) indefinite
B) inbefinite
C) indefinete
D) indefenite
  • 12. Choose the correct answer
A) inacurate
B) inaccurate
C) enaccurate
D) inaccurafe
  • 13. Choose the correct answer
A) indirect
B) indireict
C) indiriect
D) endirect
  • 14. Choose the correct answer
A) incomplete
B) inconplete
C) inconplete
D) uncomplete
  • 15. Choose the correct answer
A) disagree
B) desagree
C) desagree
D) disagre
  • 16. Choose the correct answer
A) desappear
B) disappear
C) disiapper
D) disapear
  • 17. Choose the correct answer
A) desadvantage
B) disadvantage
C) disadvantege
D) disabvantage
  • 18. Choose the correct answer
A) disobiy
B) disobey
C) disodey
D) desobey
  • 19. Choose the correct answer
A) iregular
B) irregular
C) irreguluar
D) irregullar
  • 20. Choose the correct answer
A) illigal
B) illegal
C) ilegal
D) illegeal
  • 21. Choose the correct answer
A) invective
B) invectieve
C) invecteve
D) envective
  • 22. Choose the correct answer
A) desavowed
B) disawoved
C) disavowed
D) disawowed
  • 23. Choose the correct answer
A) fieeriy
B) fiery
C) feiry
D) fery
  • 24. Choose the correct answer
A) nimrod
B) ninrod
C) nimred
D) nemrod
  • 25. Choose the correct answer
A) fetuous
B) fatvous
C) fafous
D) fatuous
  • 26. Choose the correct answer
A) patize
B) pratcice
C) practice
D) pratixe
  • 27. Choose the correct answer
A) review
B) reviuw
C) revew
D) revieu
  • 28. Choose the correct answer
A) bezeer
B) bezaar
C) bazaar
D) bacaar
  • 29. Choose the correct answer
A) comscience
B) censcience
C) conscienze
D) conscience
  • 30. Choose the correct answer
A) conscious
B) conscous
C) conscoius
D) comscious
  • 31. Choose the correct answer
A) persecuted
B) perzecuted
C) persecufed
D) percecuted
  • 32. Choose the correct answer
A) prozecuted
B) prozezuted
C) prosecuted
D) presecuted
  • 33. Choose the correct answer
A) acces
B) access
C) acess
D) azzess
  • 34. Choose the correct answer
A) fufile
B) fetile
C) futile
D) futle
  • 35. Choose the correct answer
A) ancedote
B) ancebote
C) anzedote
D) amcedote
  • 36. Choose the correct answer
A) wambley
B) wembley
C) wembey
D) wemdley
  • 37. Choose the correct answer
A) fuedal
B) feudal
C) feubal
D) feuzal
  • 38. Choose the correct answer
A) assignment
B) asignment
C) assignmant
D) assigment
  • 39. Choose the correct answer
A) auditorium
B) audtorium
C) audetorium
D) aubitorium
  • 40. Choose the correct answer
A) classroom
B) classreem
C) clazzroom
D) clessroom
  • 41. Choose the correct answer
A) pruison
B) prevision
C) provision
D) provison
  • 42. Choose the correct answer
A) possesion
B) possessoin
C) possesson
D) possession
  • 43. Choose the correct answer
A) aspiration
B) azpiration
C) espiration
D) aspiraton
  • 44. Choose the correct answer
A) omision
B) onission
C) omisseon
D) omission
  • 45. Choose the correct answer
A) sezession
B) secesseon
C) secession
D) secesion
  • 46. Choose the correct answer
A) revelation
B) reveletion
C) revilation
D) revealation
  • 47. Choose the correct answer
A) exerton
B) exerfion
C) exirition
D) exertion
  • 48. Choose the correct answer
A) debuction
B) deduztion
C) deduction
D) dedection
  • 49. Choose the correct answer
A) calcuiation
B) calculaton
C) calzulation
D) calculation
  • 50. Choose the correct answer
A) petiteon
B) peteton
C) pefition
D) petition
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