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Nutrition Question Bank
Contribució de: Mansour
  • 1. Which of the following foods would fit best in the meat/protein group?
A) Nuts
B) Yogurt
C) Cereal
D) Potatoes
  • 2. Which of the following fits best in the dairy group?
A) Cheese
B) Nuts
C) Eggs
D) Soybeans
  • 3. Which of these does NOT go in the grains group?
A) Bread
B) Cereal
C) Fish
D) Oatmeal
E) Rolls
  • 4. Which food groups should you fill half your plate with
A) Fruits/Meat
B) Vegetables/Fruits
C) Dairy/Grains
D) Fats/Oils
E) Meat/Dairy
  • 5. Which ingredient in coke (see picture) makes it an unhealthy choice?
A) carbonated water
B) High fructose corn syrup
C) natural flavors
D) phosphoric acid
  • 6. 12 ounces of orange juice and RC Cola have the same amount of sugar. Why is the orange juice better for you?
  • 7. Which of the following is the healthiest choice (A, B, C, D, or E)? Explain why in 3-5 sentences.
  • 8. Looking at the nutrition facts of this food, would you consider it a healthy choice? Explain why or why not?
  • 9. Which of the following would be your healthiest option for an after school snack?
A) Snickers Bar
B) Unsweetened Applesauce
C) Scooby Doo fruit snacks
D) Crackers and Pop
E) Whip Cream and Pop Tarts
  • 10. What makes this a healthy choice, just by looking at it?
A) A nice round plate
B) Pepper on the fish
C) Two servings of corn
D) Lots of color
  • 11. Which of the following foods fits (the most) in the fats/oils group?
A) Salad dressing
B) Green Peppers
C) Chocolate Skim Milk
D) Cashews
  • 12. Make a menu for a very healthy breakfast.
  • 13. Which group do you want to eat, but not too much.
A) Vegetables
B) Fruits
C) Grains
D) Meat/Protein
  • 14. A Big Mac from McDonalds is probably highest in this...
A) Saturated Fat
B) Vitamin C
C) High Fructose Corn Syrup
D) Calcium
  • 15. Describe why you want to keep sodium low in your diet.
  • 16. Create a healthy meal and describe what each item contains (or doesn't contain) that is healthy. Label it like this - Item 1 - .... Item 2 - .....
  • 17. Review this food label. What makes this a healthy or an unhealthy choice?
  • 18. Describe why this food, based on the label, is a healthy or unhealthy choice.
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