ThatQuiz Biblioteca Intenteu aquesta prova
Multiplying with Powers of Ten #1
Contribució de: Schleper
2.91 • 1 =2.91 • 10 =2.91 • 100 =2.91 • 1,000 =2.91 • 10,000 =
Use your understanding of place value 
to answer each of the following.
Use commas in your answers.
31.8 • 1 =31.8 • 10 =31.8 • 100 =31.8 • 1,000 =31.8 • 10,000 =
Use your understanding of place value 
to answer each of the following.
Use commas in your answers.
0.26 • 1 =0.26 • 10 =0.26 • 100 =0.26 • 1,000 =0.26 • 10,000 =
Use your understanding of place value 
to answer each of the following.
Use commas in your answers.
0.416 • 1 =0.416 • 10 =0.416 • 100 =0.416 • 1,000 =0.416 • 10,000 =
Use your understanding of place value 
to answer each of the following.
Use commas in your answers.
5.8 • 1 =5.8 • 10 =5.8 • 100 =5.8 • 1,000 =5.8 • 10,000 =
Use your understanding of place value 
to answer each of the following.
Use commas in your answers.
8.365 • 1 =8.365 • 10 =8.365 • 100 =8.365 • 1,000 =8.365 • 10,000 =
Use your understanding of place value 
to answer each of the following.
Use commas in your answers.
73.27 • 1 =73.27 • 10 =73.27 • 100 =73.27 • 1,000 =73.27 • 10,000 =
Use your understanding of place value 
to answer each of the following.
Use commas in your answers.
0.9 • 1 =0.9 • 10 =0.9 • 100 =0.9 • 1,000 =0.9 • 10,000 =
Use your understanding of place value 
to answer each of the following.
Use commas in your answers.
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