ThatQuiz Biblioteca Intenteu aquesta prova
Garden of Happiness
Contribució de: Goers
  • 1. Our car _________ on the ice, but luckily, we were able to stop safely.
A) haze
B) mural
C) inhaled
D) skidded
  • 2. I _____________ deeply when my mother took a freshly baked loaf of bread from the oven.
A) haze
B) inhaled
C) venture
D) lavender
  • 3. The color __________ is a light shade of purple.
A) lavender
B) mural
C) yellow
D) red
  • 4. The _________ that filled the sky made it hard to see the mountains.
A) skidded
B) lavender
C) mural
D) haze
  • 5. In our city, each school painted a ___________ on the side of a building.
A) lavender
B) inhaled
C) skidded
D) mural
  • 6. Most of the story takes place in ______________.
A) a garage
B) Marisol's home
C) an apartment building
D) a vacant lot
  • 7. Neighbors on Marisol's clock clear an empty lot so they can __________.
A) have a street festival
B) have a party
C) plant a garden
D) meet there
  • 8. Why can't Marisol have a garden plot like the other people have?
A) She doesn't know what to plant
B) All the land is divided up
C) Teenagers are painting a mural
D) She didn't help clean up the vacant lot
  • 9. How does Marisol feel when she finds a patch of soil for her garden?
A) no longer interested in gardening
B) Very happy to have a little space for herself
C) annoyed that she cannot have a larger plot
D) disappointed because it's so small
  • 10. What problem does Marisol have with her garden?
A) She can't find time to work on her garden
B) She is working with a very small area
C) She needs to find something to plant
D) She has to learn how to plant things
  • 11. What problem does Marisol share with the teenagers?
A) No one had money
B) None of them knew exactly what to do with their project
C) They wanted to play instead of working
D) No one liked planting
  • 12. To solve her problem, Marisol ____________.
A) takes a big fat seed from the pigeons
B) asks Mrs. Rodriguez for more space
C) decides that the space is too small, and gives up
D) asks Mr. Castro for one of his seedlings
  • 13. Marisol often sees Mr. Ortiz in his plot, resting in a chair. In this selection, plot means ____________.
A) a small piece of land in a cemetery
B) the main events in a story
C) a secret evil plan
D) a small area planted with vegetables
  • 14. For a long time, Marisol did not know _____________.
A) what the other neighbors had planted
B) what kind of seed she had planted
C) if she'd taking care of her plant the right way.
D) how she will water her plant
  • 15. What does Marisol learn about sunflowers?
A) The sunflower seeds taste good.
B) Sunflowers grow in many places around the world
C) Sunflowers only grow in Mexico.
D) Sunflowers are considered weeds.
  • 16. How does the sunflower affect the neighborhood?
A) People climb up on it.
B) It attracts bees.
C) It spreads seed everywhere.
D) It makes people happy.
  • 17. Marisol is sad toward the end of the story because ______________.
A) her sunflower begins to wither and die
B) her friends never come back to the garden
C) she falls down in the garden and gets hurt
D) she doesn't have beans or tomatoes to eat anymore
  • 18. Why is the garden called The Garden of Happiness?
A) No one can be sad in such a pretty place.
B) It makes everyone happy to grow and raise vegetables there.
C) It is a good name for an empty lot.
D) Everyone thinks that a happy garden name will somehow make the vegetables grow huge.
  • 19. What does Mrs. Rodriguez explain to Marisol about the sunflower?
A) She explains how to make salsa.
B) She explains what the teenagers will be painting on the mural.
C) She explains that the flower is dying, and that she can collect the seeds for next year.
D) She explains how to multiply using the area model, because she actually understands it.
  • 20. Why does everyone call Marisol to the street?
A) To play a trick on her.
B) To show her the mural.
C) To get her to move her car which is parked illegally.
D) Because it's her birthday.
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