- 1. the act of adapting to or giving in; a tendency to yield; conformity with official requirements
A) concession B) commence C) compliance D) colloquial
- 2. occurring together by accident; existing or happening at the same time
A) compassion B) commence C) commendable D) coincidental
- 3. pity for someone else's suffering, along with a desire to help; deep sympathy
A) composure B) conceive C) compliance D) compassion
- 4. praiseworthy; deserving approval or credit
A) compassion B) coincidental C) concession D) commendable
- 5. able to get along; agreeing; harmonious
A) compatible B) compliance C) composure D) conceive
- 6. an act of granting or yielding; something granted or yielded; a business operating on another's premises.
A) concession B) compliance C) conceive D) composure
- 7. self-possession; calmness
A) composure B) coincidental C) commence D) concession
A) coincidental B) colloquial C) compassion D) commence
- 9. to imagine or develop as an idea; to understand or grasp; to become pregnant with
A) conceive B) commence C) commendable D) compassion
- 10. to begin; to initiate; to start
A) concession B) coincidental C) commence D) composure