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Quiz on Memorized Formulas
Contribució de: Kovach
__1. Area of a CircleA. side x side
__2. Area of a ParallelogramB. side x 4
__3. Area of a RectangleC. pi x radius2 or (pi x radius squared)
__4. Area of a SquareD. length x width
__5. Area of a TriangleE. 2 x pi x radius
__6. Circumference of a CircleF. (length + width) x 2
__7. Perimeter of a RectangleG. side + side+ side
__8. Perimeter of a SquareH. base x height
__9. Perimeter of a triangleI. 1/2 base x height
__10. Area of a TrapezoidA. (base 1 + base 2) /2 x height
__11. Perimeter of a TrapezoidB. side + side+ side + side
__12. Surface Area of a CubeC. 2(l x w)+ 2(l x h)+ 2(w x h)
__13. Surface Area of a CylinderD. length x width x height
__14. Surface Area of a Rect. PrismE. pi x radius squared x height
__15. Volume of a CylinderF. (length x width) x 6
__16. Volume of a rectangular prismG. (2 x pi x radius squared) +( 2 x pi x r x h)
__17. Days in a weekA. seven
__18. Days in a yearB. sixty minutes
__19. How much in a dozenC. sixty seconds
__20. Minutes in an hourD. fifty-two
__21. Seconds in a minuteE. twelve
__22. Weeks in a yearF. three hundred sixty-five
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