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A Lesson from the Birds Quiz
Contribució de: Beacham
  • 1. What BEST describes the setting of this story?
A) In the winter; in the countryside
B) In the south; by a large oak tree
C) An autumn day; in the countryside
D) In the winter; under an oak tree
  • 2. Which word is NOT an example of onomatopoeia?
A) Peck
B) Buzz
C) Snap
D) Trap
  • 3. What was the birds' problem in paragraph 3?
A) They were trapped in a net.
B) They were lost.
C) They forgot how to fly.
D) They couldn't find food.
  • 4. What did the birds do right after a large oak tree was spotted?
A) They started to 'peck'.
B) They landed.
C) They started to eat.
D) They saw a trap.
  • 5. Choose the verb that shows the INCORRECT past tense. The present tense is shown first followed by the past tense.
A) fly; flew
B) tap; taped
C) eat; ate
D) try; tried
  • 6. Which homophone sequence makes this sentence correct?
    Because ----- hungry, they stop to eat. They find ----- food under a tree. ----- is a net above them.
A) there; their; they're
B) they're; there; their
C) their; there; they're
D) they're; their; there
  • 7. Which word BEST describes the leader?
A) lonely
B) happy
C) clever
D) nervous
  • 8. Who figured out how to free the birds from the net?
A) all of the birds
B) the hunter
C) the leader
D) the mouse
  • 9. What lesson can be learned from this story?
A) Birds teach each other how to fly.
B) Working as a team gets the job done.
C) Hunters shouldn't catch animals in nets.
D) Mice are smart and kind.
E) Birds fly south for the winter.
  • 10. This reading selection is a -----
A) legend
B) fable
C) myth
D) fairy tale
  • 11. The birds were flapping their wings harder and faster at the same time to ----
A) find more food
B) see their friend, the mouse
C) continue their journey south
D) lift the net
  • 12. In which paragraph do the birds use perseverance and cooperation?
A) 5
B) 4
C) 2
D) 3
E) 1
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