George Washington's Socks
  • 1. Why did Matt ask Katie to go camping with the club?
A) So she wouldn't tattle about the peas.
B) So that she would have fun with the club.
C) So she would vote for him to be President of the club.
D) So she could join in the adventure.
  • 2. Who rescues Katie when she fell from the boat onto the ice floe?
A) Israel
B) The Hessian
C) Scooter
D) George Washington
  • 3. What did Matt take to the General?
A) His shotgun
B) His cloak
C) His socks
D) His Tricorn
  • 4. What did Matt give Israel to help him on the march to Trenton?
A) a pep talk
B) a dollar bill
C) a crutch
D) a shoe
  • 5. Why did Israel join the Continental Army?
A) For glory
B) For fame
C) For money
D) For God
  • 6. What did Matt promise Israel as he lay dying?
A) To tell his sister that he was a hero
B) to get the beads to Israel's sister
C) To see that she would be cared for
D) To bring her a mule
  • 7. What did Mrs. Hornsbee give Matt that showed she was kind?
A) blankets
B) mule
C) shoes
D) ammunition
  • 8. What did the boys offer the Indians to help find the Hessians?
A) shoes
B) mule
C) video game
D) money
  • 9. How did meeting Gustav change the way Matt felt about the war?
A) He became a Loyalist.
B) He saw good on both sides.
C) He wanted to join the fight.
D) He became a mercenary.
  • 10. What did Katie trade for George Washington's socks?
A) marshmallows
B) peas
C) the history book
D) a dollar
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