Bone Fractures and Joints
__1. Ball and Socket JointA. Bone that breaks completely and moves out of place.
__2. Compound FractureB. Allows full 360 degree rotation, found in shoulder
__3. Fixed JointC. Allows movement of 180 degrees, found in knees and elbows.
__4. Hairline FractureD. A small crack or break in a bone, often found in runners
__5. Hinge JointE. Allows movement side to side, found in the neck
__6. LigamentF. Does not move, primarily in the skull
__7. Mr. MansourG. Tissue that connects bone to bone
__8. Pivot JointH. Bone that breaks completely, but does not go out of place.
__9. Simple FractureI. Tissue that connects muscle to bone
__10. TendonJ. Your teacher
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