Science Terms Chapter 4: Mitosis and Mieosis
__1. asexual reproductionA. in nucleus that contain hereditary material
__2. chromosomesB. 1 parent, identical to parent
__3. DNAC. 2 parents, variety from each
__4. fertilizationD. joining of egg and sperm
__5. geneE. code that tells an organism how to grow and function
__6. mitosisF. cell division; make 2 cells identical to parent cell
__7. sexual reproductionG. cells that form in fertilization
__8. zygoteH. section of DNA that has plans to make specific proteins
__9. diploidA. permanent change in gene or chromosome
__10. eggB. makes sex cells; get 4 each with half the chromosomes
__11. haploidC. male sex cell
__12. meiosisD. cells with pairs of chromosomes; body cells
__13. mutationE. female sex cell
__14. RNAF. type of nucleic acid, carries info to make proteins
__15. spermG. cells with half the chromosomes; sex cells
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