Art of the Argument Quiz Fallacies
  • 1. Arguments that attempt to avoid the issue by insulting an opponent with abusive language.
A) Ad Hominem Abusive
B) Snob Appeal
C) Tu Quoque
D) Ad Hominem Circumstantial
  • 2. I Can't believe that a bunch of amateur United States Hockey players beat the U.S.S.R who had professionals.
A) Ad Hominem Circumstantial
B) Fallacy of Composition
C) Loaded Answer
D) Genetic Fallacy
  • 3. Tom, you are a lazy slacker. No one is going to listen to you or your dumb strategies of how to study.
A) Ad Hominem Circumstantial
B) Ad Hominem Abusive
C) Circular Reasoning
D) Snob Appeal
  • 4. You can't accept her argument against abortion - She is a Catholic and the Catholic Church opposed abortion.
A) Appeal to an Illegitamate source
B) Genetic Socrates
C) Loaded Question
D) Ad Hominem Circumstantial
  • 5. She worked for 30 years as a school teacher - that's why she wants the government to build more schools that we can't afford.
A) Tu Quoque
B) Circular Reasoning
C) Socrates Ad Fontem
D) Ad Hominem Circumstantial
  • 6. Arguments that try to discredit an opponent because of his/her background, affiliations, organizations in a matter at hand.
A) Ad Hominem Circumstantial
B) Appeal to Pity
C) Socrates Ad Fontem
D) Appeal to Fear
  • 7. This is a typical argument from someone who is wealthy Mr. Trump and Mrs Clinton. Of course you want to lower taxes on the rich.
A) Ad Fontem Socrates
B) Ad Hominem Circumstantial
C) Fallacy of Delerivum
D) Fallacy of Composition
  • 8. Wht is the definition of a Fallacy ?
A) An insightful position on an argument
B) An argument that uses physicality to convince
C) An argument that uses unsound or bad logic or reasoning
D) Socrates hometown in Greece
  • 9. Mr. Adidas is running for class president. In his campaign speech he says, "My opponent does not deserve to win. His shoes stink and his feet smell like old, stinky socks." Has Mr. Adidas committed the 'Ad Hominem Fallacy'?
A) No
B) Yes
  • 10. He was born to Catholic parents and raised as a Catholic until his confirmation in 8th grade. Therefore, he is bound to want to defend some Catholic traditions and, therefore, cannot be taken seriously.
A) Ad Fontem Composition
B) Appeal to Fear
C) Genetic Fallacy
D) Ad Hominem Abusive
  • 11. Since that school sports reporter for the dance team was a boy , his analysis of what caused the girls dance team to lose the competition is irrelevant.
A) Fallacy of Composition
B) Ad Hominem Circumstantial
C) Ad em up Socrates
D) Appeal to Snobbery
  • 12. My father was in the Navy. So were all of my uncles and grandfather on my mother's side. Of course the Navy has the bravest soldiers and has the most pride.
A) Tu shay Socrates
B) Tu Quoque
C) Ad Hominem Abusive
D) Genetic Fallacy
  • 13. Socrates beleieved that the virtue that is the ultimate goodness is:
A) Moral Excellence
B) Mediocrity
C) People to under achieve
D) Averigidity
  • 14. We do not currently regulate the amount of nicotine in an individual cigarette; therefore we need not do this.
A) Celebrity Expert
B) Is - Ought Fallacy
C) Strawman Fallacy
D) Appeal to Fear
  • 15. We've always had Bonfire, so we always should.
A) Snob Appeal
B) Ad Fontem Composition
C) Is - Ought Fallacy
D) Celebrity Expert
  • 16. The Electoral College is specified in the Constitution, so we can't do away with it.
A) Celebrity Expert
B) Strawman Fallacy
C) Appeal to Fear
D) Is - Ought Fallacy
  • 17. Bob: "Smoking and alcoholism are well-known risk factors for cancer." Alice: "But you yourself smoke and drink a lot! You're wrong!"
A) Ad Fontem Composition
B) Snob Appeal
C) Tu Quoque
D) Celebrity Expert
  • 18. Peter: "Based on the arguments I have presented, it is evident that it is morally wrong to use animals for food or clothing." Bill: "But you are wearing a leather jacket and you have a roast beef sandwich in your hand! How can you say that using animals for food and clothing is wrong!
A) Tu Quoque
B) Appeal to Fear
C) Celebrity Expert
D) Ad Fontem Composition
  • 19. "Join the Marines... Do you have what it takes?"
A) Appeal to Pity
B) Snob Appeal
C) Tu Quoque
D) Circular Reasoning
  • 20. The question "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
A) Loaded Question
B) Strawman Fallacy
C) Ad Hominem Circumstantial
D) Strawman Fallacy
  • 21. Tom Cruise says on TV that Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there is. Tom Cruise is awesome -- especially in MI4 when he scaled that building with only one suction glove; therefore, Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there is!
A) Strawman Fallacy
B) Appeal to Fear
C) Celebrity Expert
D) Ad Hominem Abusive
  • 22. Mike Seaver from that 80’s sitcom, “Growing Pains”, is really cool. He is now a born-again Christian and apologist for the faith. Therefore, you should really believe what he has to say!
A) Strawman Fallacy
B) Celebrity Expert
C) Ad Hominem Abusive
D) Ad em up Socrates
  • 23. The recipe has always called for 2 cans of corn . Don't change it now to 3 cans of corn.
A) Ad em up Socrates
B) Ad Hominem Abusive
C) Ad Hominem Circumstantial
D) Is - Ought Fallacy
  • 24. An argument that based on the properties of the whole will be the same as the properties of the part.
A) Tu Quoque
B) Fallacy of Composition
C) Is - Ought Fallacy
D) Fallacy of Moderation
  • 25. I've always grown corn in that field, and so did my father. Corn should always be planted there.
A) Celebrity Expert
B) Tu Quoque
C) Ad em up Socrates
D) Is - Ought Fallacy
  • 26. If these two tribes can't live together, why don't we just split the land in half and give half to each of them.
A) Tu Quoque
B) Fallacy of Composition
C) Appeal to Pity
D) Fallacy of Moderation
  • 27. The speaker assumes that the best solution to a problem must be a compromise between the two extremes.
A) Strawman Fallacy
B) Celebrity Expert
C) Fallacy of Moderation
D) Appeal to Pity
  • 28. You've got to do something about that junky cell phone of yours. Get a new iPhone or you'll be teased by everyone.
A) Celebrity Expert
B) Bifurcation
C) Circular Reasoning
D) Ad em up Socrates
  • 29. "The test was not hard at all! This is going to be an easy class."
A) Circular Reasoning
B) Bifurcation
C) Celebrity Expert
D) Fallacy of Composition
  • 30. If you read "The Outsiders" you will join the exclusive ranks of well-read Americans. It is an accomplishment of which few can boast.
A) Snob Appeal
B) Circular Reasoning
C) Celebrity Expert
D) Tu Quoque
  • 31. Don't vote for these country-club, blue blooded Republicans. Vote for John Jackson, champion of the American working man and strong leader.
A) Tu Quoque
B) Ad em up Socrates
C) Strawman Fallacy
D) Mob Appeal
  • 32. Hershey's chocolate is the best-selling in America! Everyone loves a Hershey's Kiss.
A) Celebrity Expert
B) Bifurcation
C) Mob Appeal
D) Strawman Fallacy
  • 33. This Christmas, leave behind the packed malls. There are families right in Cicero who are struggling to make ends meet. Please support them by donating to the Salvation Army.
A) Appeal to Pity
B) Bifurcation
C) Tu Quoque
D) Celebrity Expert
  • 34. Any art from the 21st Century is better than any Modernist Art from the 20th Century.
A) Fallacy of Moderation
B) Celebrity Expert
C) Strawman Fallacy
D) Chronological Snobbery
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