Lesson 6: Inequalities & their graphs
  • 1. Use the correct inequality symbol (> or <) to make the statement true: 11 ? 9
A) ≤
B) ≥
C) <
D) >
  • 2. Use the correct inequality symbol (> or <) to make the statement true: -21 ? -4
A) <
B) >
C) ≥
D) ≤
  • 3. Which of the following is a solution to x ≤ -6?
A) -10
B) -2
C) 6
D) 3
  • 4. Which of the following is a solution to x ≤ 5?
A) 8
B) 6
C) 10
D) 5
  • 5. Select the correct inequality symbol: x ? 3
A) <
B) ≥
C) >
D) ≤
  • 6. Select the correct inequality symbol: x ? 7
A) >
B) ≥
C) ≤
D) <
  • 7. Solve the inequality x - 8 ≥ 2
  • 8. Solve the inequality x + 8 > -1
  • 9. Solve the inequality 3 x > 6
  • 10. When graphing, an open circle indicates
A) The number is included
B) The number is NOT included.
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