photosynthesis key terms match up
__1. chlorophyllA. organelle that is responsible for photosynthesis
__2. chloroplastB. part of the bundle; transports water and minerals
__3. guard cellsC. transport food (amino acids & glucose)
__4. lamellaeD. transport water and is consist of xylem and phloem
__5. midribE. sausage-shaped cells that surround a stoma
__6. phloemF. green pigment that can use light energy to make sugar
__7. stomaG. links one thylakoid to another of different grana
__8. upper epidermisH. the protective, outer layer of a leaf
__9. vein (vascular bundle)I. the central rib/vein of the leaf
__10. xylemJ. a pore/opening that is surrounded by guard cells
__11. granumA. veins begin at base and run along side each other
__12. palisade mesophyllB. the layer that has many air spaces; below palisade mesophyll
__13. palmate veinsC. main veins extend from one large vein
__14. parallel veinsD. flattened sacs inside the chloroplast
__15. pinnate veinsE. layer of elongated cells under the upper epidermis
__16. spongy mesophyllF. veins begin at base and radiate out like fingers
__17. thylakoidG. evaporation of water from plant leaves
__18. thylakoid lumenH. water repelling layer on the surface of a leaf
__19. transpirationI. space inside the thylakoid disc
__20. waxy cuticleJ. stacks of thylakoid
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