C1-3-1d Write Hundredths as Tenths

20 hundredths    is the same amount as   2 tenths

Simplifying Hundredths to Tenths
0.20    =    0.2

Please write your answer as hundredths,

then simplify to tenths.


Please write your answer as hundredths,

then simplify to tenths.


Please write your answer as hundredths,

then simplify to tenths.


Please write your answer as hundredths,

then simplify to tenths.


Please write your answer as hundredths,

then simplify to tenths.


Please write your answer as hundredths,

then simplify to tenths.


Please write your answer as hundredths,

then simplify to tenths.


Please write your answer as hundredths,

then simplify to tenths.

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