Human Body Systems
  • 1. One purpose of the skeleton is to:
A) scare little kids (this is not the correct choice)
B) transport oxygen to the body's cells
C) protect internal body parts
D) process food
  • 2. Bones are alive
A) True
B) False
  • 3. Babies have less bones than adults.
A) False
B) True
  • 4. Bones are rigid and do not flex.
A) True
B) False
  • 5. When do bruises heal?
A) When the Band-Aid falls off
B) When the muscle heals
C) After two days
D) When the bone heal
  • 6. ___________ hold bones together.
A) Tendons
B) Ligaments
C) Veins
D) Titanium pins (this is not the correct choice)
  • 7. The ___________ helps swallow food.
A) trachea
B) esophagus
C) sinew
D) thorax
  • 8. The ___________ releases fluids to aid in digestion.
A) stomach
B) large intestine
C) kidneys
D) small intestine
  • 9. The ___________ helps particles from food move into the blood vessels.
A) white blood cells
B) intestines
C) stomach
D) red blood cells
  • 10. The nervous system includes the
A) spine, brain, and axioms.
B) brain, spine, cells, and heart.
C) brain, spine, and nerves.
D) brain, finger tips, and tounge.
  • 11. Taste buds are not a part of your nervous system.
A) False
B) True
  • 12. Nerves help us play musical instruments that are hard to pronounce.
A) True
B) False
  • 13. The circulatory system moves material around the body.
A) True
B) False
  • 14. The heart is a part of the circulatory system.
A) False
B) True
  • 15. The circulatory system is connected to the ____________ system. (as identified in the Prezi)
A) muscular
B) digestive
C) immune
D) skeletal
  • 16. ___________ carries oxygen to your body's cells.
A) Muscles
B) Gavity
C) White blood cells
D) Red blood cells
E) Oompa-loompas
  • 17. Which side of the heart contains oxygenated blood?
A) Lower
B) Left
C) Upper
D) Right
  • 18. A drop of blood has more red or white blood cells?
A) White
B) Red
  • 19. The average human heart pumps __________ gallons of blood per day.
A) 450,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.98
B) 450
C) 4.5
D) 45
  • 20. The three types of muscles are:
A) rough, skeletal, and cardiac.
B) fiberous, tenatious, and luquitious.
C) smooth, skeletal, and cardiac.
D) pewney, normal, and massive.
  • 21. One purpose of mucus (as described in the the Prezi) is to ________.
A) protect the sinuses
B) inhibit infections
C) trap dust
D) play with
  • 22. __________ are organisms that cause disease.
A) Cooties
B) Pathogens
C) Critters
D) Hypothesis
  • 23. In your own words descibe the relationship among the various human body systems.
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