Quiz 11 (Seafloor Spreading & Plate Tectonics, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5)
  • 1. A volcanic trench (fosa volcanica) would be found in
A) glacier
B) mid-oceanic ridge
C) Hawaii
D) mountain
E) volcano
  • 2. A subduction zone is found in a/an ________________________ boundary.
A) transform
B) volcanic
C) convergent
D) strike-slip
E) divergent
  • 3. Seafloor spreading, a process where new oceanic crust is created in a divergent zone, also causes a/an _____________________.
A) trench
B) large volcano
C) diamond
D) petroleum
E) Hawaii
  • 4. Tectonic plates are:
A) lithospheric zones
B) large volcanoes
C) large subduction zones
D) large pieces of floating crust
E) large volcanic islands
  • 5. There are 2 types of tectonic plates, the ____________________ and the ______________________.
A) oceanic, Hawaiian
B) oceanic, continental
C) continental, volcanic
D) Hawaiian, Artic
E) Icelandic, continental
  • 6. Tectonic plates float on the Earth's _________________________.
A) lithosphere
B) mantle
C) crust
D) volcanoes
E) core
  • 7. Earth's lithosphere is comprised of Earth's crust and the upper part of the Earth's _________________________.
A) volcanoes
B) crust
C) core
D) lithosphere
E) mantle
  • 8. The continents were once part of one giant landmass, _________________________.
A) Panamericanaea
B) Pangaea
C) Rhodenia
D) Hawaiiana
E) Artica
  • 9. "The continents have moved during Earth's history." This quote is part of the _____________________________ theory.
A) hot spot
B) blood diamond
C) subduction zone
D) continental drift
E) tectonic plate
  • 10. _____________ crust, or crust with higher density, is pushed into the mantle at subduction zones.
A) Older
B) Newer
C) Prettier
D) Younger
E) Lighter
  • 11. Earthquakes are a product of _______ types of boundaries.
A) 4
B) 1
C) 0
D) 3
E) 2
  • 12. San Francisco, California, sits atop the fault of ___________________________.
A) San Augustine
B) San Andres
C) San Francisco
D) San Ramiro
E) San Andrew
  • 13. The fault under San Francisco is known to be a _________________________ tectonic plate boundary.
A) transform
B) hot spot
C) convergent
D) volcanic
E) divergent
  • 14. Hawaii is a product of volcanic eruptions that come out of a/an ______________________.
A) divergence
B) transformance
C) strike-slip spot
D) convergence
E) Hot Spot
  • 15. A convection current is caused by differences in _______________________.
A) color
B) odor
C) temperature
D) mass
E) air pressure
  • 16. Tectonic plate movements are causes by _____________________________.
A) convection currents
B) heat in Earth's core
C) conveyor belts
D) Lithospheric sources
E) pressure in Earth's crust
  • 17. The known types of seismic waves are: ________________________.
A) P, L, and K
B) P, S, and L
C) S, L, and U
D) V, U, and H
E) P, K, and F
  • 18. Secondary waves cannot travel through ________________________.
A) gases and liquids
B) gases and clouds
C) fluids and oceans
D) liquids and fluids
E) gases and solids
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