• 1. According to the Reading choose the correct option Ellen Heber-Katz, biologist. I believe that soon we will be able to repair the human body in the same way that we can replace damaged parts of a car or a washing machine. Five years from now, we will be able to grow new fingers, and, a few years after that, new arms and legs. Within fifty years, replacing your whole body will be normal. 1. What does the biologist say?
A) the human body will be immortal
B) we are going to be biologists
C) the scientists will repair the bodies
D) we will be able to live many years.
  • 2. Ellen Heber-Katz, biologist. I believe that soon we will be able to repair the human body in the same way that we can replace damaged parts of a car or a washing machine. Five years from now, we will be able to grow new fingers, and, a few years after that, new arms and legs. Within fifty years, replacing your whole body will be normal.
A) are going to be terrible
B) will be very common
C) will be very strange
D) is going to be impossible
  • 3. Ellen Heber-Katz, biologist. I believe that soon we will be able to repair the human body in the same way that we can replace damaged parts of a car or a washing machine. Five years from now, we will be able to grow new fingers, and, a few years after that, new arms and legs. Within fifty years, replacing your whole body will be normal. Who is writing about the future?
A) human body
B) the washing machine
C) Ellen Heber
D) the fingers
  • 4. I´m going to visit an old schoolfriend of mine next weekend. We´re going to watch a football match on Saturday afternoon, but I don´t know what we´re going to do in the evening. On Sunday, we plan to stay at home until midday and then go to his parents´ house for lunch. We´re hoping to have a super lunch there.”
A) He is going to visit a friend
B) He doesn’t know his friend
C) He will visit his friends
D) He is going to play football
  • 5. I´m going to visit an old schoolfriend of mine next weekend. We´re going to watch a football match on Saturday afternoon, but I don´t know what we´re going to do in the evening. On Sunday, we plan to stay at home until midday and then go to his parents´ house for lunch. We´re hoping to have a super lunch there.” What are they going to do on Sunday?
A) They will cook a delicious food
B) They will visit his old schoolfriend
C) They are going to stay at home until midday
D) They are going to go to the stadium and play football
  • 6. I´m going to visit an old schoolfriend of mine next weekend. We´re going to watch a football match on Saturday afternoon, but I don´t know what we´re going to do in the evening. On Sunday, we plan to stay at home until midday and then go to his parents´ house for lunch. We´re hoping to have a super lunch there.”
A) two days
B) one day
C) three days
D) four days
  • 7. Organize the following sentences to form a correct paragraph: 1. because we don´t like television very much. 2. We probably won´t watch television. 3. We´ll stay at Jill´s house. 4. I´m going to her house at half past twelve. 5. I´m going to have lunch with Jill on Saturday. 6. perhaps we´ll go for a walk, or perhaps 7. We´ll probably sit and talk after lunch. Then.
A) 7,6,1,5,2,4,3
B) 5,1,7,4,2,6,3
C) 1,2,3,7,5,4,6
D) 5,4,7,6,3,2,1
  • 8. Complete : I think, Diana __________pass the exam.
A) are going to
B) is will
C) is going
D) will
  • 9. Complete the reading Daniel (9) ___________ play tennis on Wednesday morning. He´s arranged to meet Sally at the tennis club. They (10)__ ___________ meet at 10.30. They (11)__ ________ probably have lunch at the club. Perhaps they (12)_________ go shopping after lunch, or perhaps they will go to Sally´s house. They probably won´t stay at the tennis club all afternoon.
A) is going to
B) are going to
C) wil
D) won´t
  • 10. Complete the reading Daniel (9) ___________ play tennis on Wednesday morning. He´s arranged to meet Sally at the tennis club. They (10)__ ___________ meet at 10.30. They (11)__ ________ probably have lunch at the club. Perhaps they (12)_________ go shopping after lunch, or perhaps they will go to Sally´s house. They probably won´t stay at the tennis club all afternoon.
A) are going to
B) will
C) won´t
D) is going to
  • 11. Complete the reading Daniel (9) ___________ play tennis on Wednesday morning. She´s arranged to meet Sally at the tennis club. They (10)__ ___________ meet at 10.30. They (11)__ ________ probably have lunch at the club. Perhaps they (12)_________ go shopping after lunch, or perhaps they will go to Sally´s house. They probably won´t stay at the tennis club all afternoon.
A) are going to
B) won´t
C) is going to
D) will
  • 12. Complete the reading Daniel (9) ___________ play tennis on Wednesday morning. He´s arranged to meet Sally at the tennis club. They (10)__ ___________ meet at 10.30. They (11)__ ________ probably have lunch at the club. Perhaps they (12)_________ go shopping after lunch, or perhaps they will go to Sally´s house. They probably won´t stay at the tennis club all afternoon.
A) is going to
B) won´t
C) are going to
D) wil
  • 13. probably I __________to the beach
A) wil
B) won´t
C) am going to go
D) are going to go
  • 14. He ___________there for two weeks
A) is going to be
B) are going to be
C) wil be
D) am won’t be
  • 15. I´ve got a headachehave you? Wait a second and ______ __________ an aspirin for you.
A) I won’t get
B) I are going to get
C) I am going to get
D) I wil get
  • 16. What is he doing?
A) He is crying
B) He is cooking
C) He is dancing
D) He is jumping
  • 17. What does he do?
A) e travel to San Andres
B) He travels every year
C) He does not travel
D) He traveles very happyH
  • 18. Organize the following sentences to form a correct paragraph: Organize the following sentences to form a correct paragraph 1. and leaves forgetting about Karen. 2. but Karent only wants to eat 3. because she is very hungry 4. later John finds a fly into the soup 5. he throws it at Pierre, the waiter. 6. Jonh has a girlfriend, she is Karen 7. he takes her out to the best restaurant. 8. John wants to talk about marriage
A) 8,1,7,2,6,3,5,4
B) 6,7,8,2,3,4,5,1
C) 1,2,3,7,6,5,4,8
D) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
  • 19. According to the reading choose The correct option : Katy is sleeping until the mother is preparing the breakfast, she is cooking some eggs, and setting the table, the father is Reading the newspaper, and drinking a cup of coffee. The Little boy is crying because he is hungry. Her sister is listening pop music and writing a letter to her boyfriend. The dog is barking and the cat is climbing a tree. Is Katy Reading the newspaper?
A) yes, they are
B) no, we are not
C) no, she is not
D) yes, she is
  • 20. READING COMPREHENSION: Diana lives with her mother and father in New York. She gets up at seven o’clock in the morning. She has ham and eggs for breakfast. Diana’s father works in a museum. He is a tourist guide. Her mother is a teacher. Diana is in 8° grade and she likes Geography and English. Does Diana live with her family?
A) yes, she works in a museum
B) no, She doesn´t live in Colombia
C) no, she doesn`t
D) yes, she does
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