3rd Grade Procedures
  • 1. How many people may be at the pencil sharpener at one time?
A) no more than two
B) no more than four
C) as many as need to sharpen their pencils
D) no more than three
  • 2. How many pencils are you to sharpen at one time?
A) three
B) two
C) five
D) four
  • 3. Where do you typically walk as you go through the hallway in your class line?
A) on the left side
B) in the middle of the hall
C) on the right side
D) wherever I can
  • 4. Which words describe the way you are to act during class restroom breaks after lunch?
A) quick, clean, and quiet
B) chatty, silly, and funny
C) jumpy, loud, and active
D) slow, noisy, and grumpy
  • 5. Who is first in line as we line up for lunch?
A) Chatty People
B) Butterflies
C) Lines 1-4
D) Lunch Boxes
  • 6. What do I say about Dismissal
A) Dismissal is delightful
B) Talk during Dismissal
C) Dismissal is Silent
D) Dismissal is noisy
  • 7. How do you know that recess is over?
A) You hear a whistle blowing.
B) You see a yellow flag waving.
C) You see your teacher at the door.
D) You hear a bell ringing.
  • 8. During direct instruction while your teacher is teaching or during independent work time while you are working at your seat, what do you do if you have a question?
A) Get up and ask your teacher.
B) Tap your pencil on your desk three times.
C) Call out your teacher's name.
D) Raise your hand and wait for your teacher.
  • 9. Which of the following is NOT an activity from which you may choose should you finish your work early?
A) Review or study for a test.
B) Talk to a friend
C) Read a book.
D) Practice cursive writing.
  • 10. At the end of the day, how much talking is allowed during dismissal?
A) normal voices with people at your table
B) a whisper voice with the person across from you
C) Absolutely no talking
D) talking with six inch voices to the person beside you
  • 11. When the whistle is blown at the end of recess, you should
A) continue talking to your friends as you walk to the line
B) run to your class's line
C) gather all recess equipment even though you didn't play with these things
D) walk to your class's line
  • 12. At what time of day should you fill your water bottle?
A) at the end of the day during dismissal
B) in the morning, during check-in procedures
C) whenever you run out of water
D) after recess when you are really thirsty
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