• 1. Ms. Haugen ----- at the Ajax Company.
A) employed
B) is employed
C) employs
D) has been emplooying
E) employing
  • 2. Can we do something about the situation? Something ----- right now
A) is being done
B) is done
C) has doing
D) has to be done
E) is doing
  • 3. The university ----- by private funds as well as by tuition income and grants.
A) is supporting
B) had supported
C) supports
D) is supported
E) has supported
  • 4. My car made strange noises, sputtered to a stop, and then would not start again. Fortunately, the mechanic at my garage ----- the source of the problem.
A) discovered
B) has been discovered
C) was discover
D) was discovered
E) discovering
  • 5. "Ms. Jones, please type those letters before noon." "They´ve already ----- , sir. They are on your desk"
A) was typing
B) being typed
C) been typed
D) been being typed
E) typed
  • 6. The committee has not made a decision yet, they are still ----- the proposal.
A) being considered
B) been considered
C) considers
D) considered
E) considering
  • 7. In some rural areas of the United States, health care ----- by only asmall number of doctors, nurses, and other health professionals. It´s often more than they can handle.
A) provided
B) is being provided
C) provides
D) been provided
E) is providing
  • 8. I am interested in scuba diving because undersea life is -----.
A) fascinating
B) been fascinated
C) being fascinated
D) being fascinated
E) fascinated
  • 9. What is this? How did that window -----?
A) breaks
B) breaked
C) got broken
D) is broken
E) get broken
  • 10. Renoir is one of the most popular French impressionist painters. His paintings ----- masterpieces all over the world.
A) has considered
B) have considered
C) had considered
D) are considered
E) are considering
  • 11. As the fairy tale goes, the prince ----- into a frog by an evil magician and only a kiss from a beautiful princess could drestore him to his human form.
A) had been turning
B) turned
C) was turned
D) was turning
E) turns
  • 12. When I woke up and looked outside, the landscape had changed. The ground had been lightly ----- with a dusting of snow during the night.
A) covered
B) covers
C) has covered
D) covering
E) cover
  • 13. We can´t even walk in this storm. Let´s wait in the hallway where we will be ----- the strong winds until things quiet down.
A) protected about
B) protected from
C) protecting by
D) protecting from
E) protected by
  • 14. "----- about the eight o´clock flight to Chicago?" "Not yet."
A) Has being an announcement made
B) Did it make
C) Has been made an announcement
D) Had an announcement made
E) Has an announcemente been made
  • 15. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It ----- everything in its path.
A) destroyed
B) was destroyed
C) was being destroyed
D) had been destroyed
E) had being destroyed
  • 16. Be sure to wash these vegetables thoroughly. A lot of pesticide residue ..... on unwashed produce.
A) can find
B) can be finding
C) can found
D) can be found
E) can finds
  • 17. The building of the bridge had been delayed for three yearse because of the political problems on both sides of the river. Finally, it ..... because the public demanded action, and now many hours of driving have been saved for daily commuters.
A) has constructed
B) had been constructed
C) had constructing
D) gets constructed
E) was constructed
  • 18. On Friday afternoon, before a three-day holiday weekend, the highways ----- people on their way out of the city.
A) are crowding by
B) are crowded with
C) are being crowd
D) crowd by
E) are crowded on
  • 19. Fortunately, the hospital´s new air-conditioning system ----- when the first heat wave of the summer arrived.
A) had been installed
B) had installed
C) installed
D) had been installing
E) was installing
  • 20. It´s hard to believe that my application for a scholarship ..... I was sure I´d get it. I don´t know if I´ll go to school next year.
A) were denied
B) was denied
C) was denying
D) has denied
E) denied
  • 21. The man died because medical help was not summoned. A doctor should ----- immediately
A) have called
B) been called
C) has been called
D) have been called
E) called
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