3 x 3 Magic Squares
A magic square is a grid of numbers where the valuesin each of the rows, columns and diagonals adds up to the same sum, known as the "magic number." Use your math skills to fill in this magic square.
A magic square is a grid of numbers where the valuesin each of the rows, columns and diagonals adds up to the same sum, known as the "magic number." Use your math skills to fill in this magic square.
A magic square is a grid of numbers where the valuesin each of the rows, columns and diagonals adds up to the same sum, known as the "magic number." Use your math skills to fill in this magic square.
A magic square is a grid of numbers where the valuesin each of the rows, columns and diagonals adds up to the same sum, known as the "magic number." Use your math skills to fill in this magic square.
A magic square is a grid of numbers where the valuesin each of the rows, columns and diagonals adds up to the same sum, known as the "magic number." Use your math skills to fill in this magic square.
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