63 -2 Inequalities: Addition n Subtraction edited
Match each inequality with proper answer:
x ≥ 10
x ≤ 4
x ≥ -1
x > 7
Match each inequality with proper answer: 
x ≤ 6
x < 11
x < 4
x < - 4
Match each inequality with proper answer: 
x - 10 ≥ -10
x + 3 ≤ -3
x - 2 > 12 
− 7 + x < 17 
x  > 14
x < 24
x ≤ -6
x ≥ 0
Match each inequality with proper answer: 
− 12 + x < 25
− 12 + x < - 25
x − 2.5 > 3.5
x > 6
x < −13
x < 37
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