The Crowded House Comprehension
  • 1. This story is most like a _______.
A) mystery
B) folktale
C) biography
D) myth
  • 2. When does this story take place?
A) present
B) future
C) past
D) forever
  • 3. Where does this play take place?
A) in a carpenter's cottage
B) in the countryside
C) in a crowded school
D) in Granny's cabin
  • 4. Why do family members seem to be in each other's way?
A) Everyone is playing in the cottage.
B) The cottage only has one room.
C) No one moves out of the goat's way.
D) Bartholomew came to visit.
  • 5. How do the family members get along with one another?
A) They complain about each other.
B) They blame Father for their troubles.
C) They try to get out of each other's way.
D) They are polite and treat each other kindly.
  • 6. Father describes his life as _____.
A) miserable
B) hopeless
C) busy
D) difficult
  • 7. Why does the family bring a goat to live in the house?
A) Father insists upon it.
B) The goat is cold outside.
C) Bartholomew tells them to do it.
D) It's easier for May Ann to milk the goat inside.
  • 8. Bartholomew is known throughout the village as _______.
A) a wise man
B) an old man
C) an animal lover
D) a crazy man
  • 9. What is one reason that goat doesn't work out?
A) Martin and Willy ignore it.
B) Meg likes the goat.
C) The goat attacks after being teased.
D) The goat provides enough milk.
  • 10. When the family complains about the goat, Bartholomew tells them to _______.
A) learn to get along with it
B) stop teasing it
C) bring the chickens inside, too
D) take the goat back outside
  • 11. What does the family do when the chickens come inside?
A) They stay busy collecting eggs.
B) They blame the boys for their troubles.
C) They complain more than ever.
D) They begin to stop complaining.
  • 12. Bartholomew tells the family to bring their donkey inside because he _______.
A) wants the family to appreciate their farm animals
B) wants the family to know how much room they really have
C) thinks the house has a little more room left
D) doesn't want the donkey to be alone outside
  • 13. Why does the family follow Bartholomew's advice even after it made things worse?
  • 14. What is the lesson or moral of the selection?
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