2nd Six Weeks Exam
  • 1. Who Started the Teen Leadership course?
A) Flip Flippen
B) Adriana Grande
C) Demi Lovato
D) Debby Ryan
E) Mario Lopez
  • 2. In Teen Leadership what is the difference between those who do well and those who excel?
A) 20%
B) 5%
C) 10%
D) 15%
E) 25%
  • 3. What does W.I. T stand for?
A) "What I Must Take"
B) “What Ever it Takes”
C) "who do I Take"
D) "When I Talk"
  • 4. How long does it takes someone to form an openion of you?
A) 20 seconds
B) 15 seconds
C) 30 minutes
D) 30 seconds
  • 5. How long does it take to reverse a bad first impression?
A) 21 additional meetings
B) 20 additional meetings
C) 20 additional seconds
D) 25 additional minutes
  • 6. The purpose of the program is to teach you:
A) Personal, relational, and leadership writing
B) Personal, relational, and leadership skills
C) Personal, required, and leadership skills
D) Personal, relational, and group skills
  • 7. Besides having the skills of a leader, you must also know__________by which leaders make decisions and lead their lives.
A) underlining principals
B) Skills
C) Relational
D) Purpose
  • 8. An agreement that groups enter into with each other
A) Social Contract
B) Individual Contract
C) Agreement Contract
D) Social Comparison
  • 9. The Social Contract is about __________ only.
A) consequences
B) requirements
C) skills
D) behavior
  • 10. The Social Contract does not take the place of the ___________.
A) skills
B) requirements
C) behavior
D) sequences
  • 11. The Social Contract must include:
A) Students need to agree to give their best effort each day to the class, students' ID #
B) Students need to agree to give their best effort each day to the class, no put-downs, parents' signature
C) Students need to agree to give their best effort each day to the class, skills, students' signatures
D) Students need to agree to give their best effort each day to the class, no put-downs, students' signatures
  • 12. Your Gifts and Talents are greater than
A) two of task that lie ahead of you
B) none of the task that lies ahead of you
C) any task that lies ahead of you
D) any problem that lies ahead of you
  • 13. It is not I.Q. that sets you apart from others but your __________.
A) W.I.T
B) I Can
C) Skills
D) I Can't
  • 14. What is the meaning of “relationship”?
A) “a lasting connection”
B) “a lasting relation”
C) “a lasting frendship”
D) “a bad connection”
  • 15. Why is a first impression important when you walk into a place for the first time?
A) Because it will impact your ability to form personal skills.
B) Because it will impact your ability to form defending skills.
C) Because it will not impact your ability to form relationships.
D) Because it will impact your ability to form relationships.
  • 16. Leaders need to be very skilled in building meaningful _______________.
A) requirements
B) self-concept
C) relationships
D) values
  • 17. One way to form a meaningful impact on people is to make that extra _____ effort and _________.
A) step, saying goodbye
B) 5%, write them a note
C) time, write them a poem
  • 18. The steps for a good handshake
A) Make eye contact, Extend your hand, grip firmly
B) Make eye contact, Extend your hand, grip firmly, release
C) Extend your hand, grip firmly, release
D) Make eye contact, Extend your hand, grip firmly, say goodbye
  • 19. A handshake is a social convention(agreement) that ____________ a lot about us.
A) establishes
B) recods
C) communicates
D) speaks
  • 20. Handshake Technique to Help you Remember Names.
A) While talking to the person you’ve just met, use the name at least four times
B) While talking to the person you’ve just met, use the name at least two times
C) While talking to the person you’ve just met, use the name at least one times
D) While talking to the person you’ve just met, use the name at least three times
  • 21. Personal Mastery definition
A) Leaders want to develop relationships.
B) Leaders want to be all that they can be.
C) Leaers bon't care to be all that they can be.
D) Friends want to be all that they can be.
  • 22. A super way to organize your speech, and it will help you with your presentation
A) The Extra Effort Method
B) Self-concept Method
C) The W.I.T. Method
D) Hamburger Bun Method
  • 23. When preparing a speech work hardest on writing and memorizing your __________ and your ___________ lines.
A) introduction, middle
B) opening, introduction
C) opening, closing
D) report, closing
  • 24. The way we see ourselves…base on lots of information that we get from our environment and people around us
A) Self-Awareness
B) Self-Concept
C) Self-Confidence
D) Self-Control
  • 25. As we grow, we begin to make judgments about ourselves by comparing ourselves to other people.
A) Emotional Comparison
B) Empatthy
C) Social Comparison
D) Social Awareness
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