vocabulary quiz
  • 1. wrap up or surround completely
A) adopt
B) envelop
C) arise
D) escapade
  • 2. an act or incident involving excitement
A) adopt
B) envelop
C) arise
D) escapade
  • 3. small fight or battle
A) envelop
B) escapade
C) skirmish
D) adopt
  • 4. a greater liking for one over another or others
A) escapade
B) skirmish
C) preference
D) envelop
  • 5. pants or jeans
A) adopt
B) trousers
C) retrieve
D) solo
  • 6. measures atmospheric pressure; forecasting the weather
A) preference
B) escapade
C) barometer
D) skirmish
  • 7. a picture
A) barometer
B) illustration
C) arise
D) collide
  • 8. a stringed instrument with a long neck and a round open-backed body
A) solo
B) sculptor
C) steady
D) banjo
  • 9. eat grass in a field
A) solo
B) graze
C) arise
D) steady
  • 10. hit with force while moving
A) scultor
B) steady
C) solo
D) collide
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