Literary Terms
__1. alliterationA. Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers.
__2. antagonistB. A major character who opposes the protagonist in a story
__3. atmosphereC. feeling of a work, which is related to tone and mood
__4. characterizationD. means by which an author establishes character
__5. climaxE. action in a story or play reaches its peak
__6. conflictF. elements that create a plot-problem
__7. contrastG. explain how two things differ
__8. end rhymeH. rhyming words that are at the ends of their respective lines
__9. fableI. a story that illustrates a moral often using animals
__10. first person point of viewJ. point of view of writing with "I"
__11. figerative languageA. kind of style usually art or literature
__12. free verseB. poetry with no set meter (rhythm) or rhyme scheme
__13. genreC. use of description that helps the reader imagine
__14. hyperboleD. Your pulling my leg.
__15. idiomE. “That baseball card is worth a zillion dollars!”
__16. imageryF. “He’s King of the Swing.”
__17. internal rhymeG. Language that conveys certain ideas by saying the opposite
__18. ironyH. exactly what it says
__19. literal languageI. expresses the poet’s emotions
__20. lyricJ. language that does not mean exactly what it says
__21. metaphorA. The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem
__22. meterB. A long speech by one character in a play or story
__23. monologueC. A comparison that doesn’t use “like” or “as"
__24. moodD. A humorous, exaggerated imitation of another work
__25. mythE. use of words that sound like what they mean such as “buzz”
__26. onomatopoeiaF. offers some explanation for natural and social phenomena
__27. parodyG. The emotional atmosphere of a given piece of writing
__28. personificationH. the action in the story
__29. plotI. Giving inanimate object human characteristics
__30. protagonistJ. the main character of a novel, play, or story
__31. punA. noticing the bunch of bananas, the hungry gorilla went ape
__32. quatrainB. a four-line stanza
__33. rhetorical questionC. language that conveys a certain idea by saying just the oppo
__34. sarcasmD. imagery that has to do with your senses
__35. sensory imageryE. a A question not meant to be answered such
__36. simileF. “paragraph”
__37. stanzaG. “I’m as hungry as a wolf”
__38. subplotH. a line of action secondary to the main story.
__39. symbolismI. The use of one things to represent another
__40. themeJ. the central idea or lesson of a work
__41. toneA. the narrative point of view
__42. voiceB. the author’s attitude toward his or her subject.
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