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Constitution Basics and Political Spectrum
Beigesteuert von: Mansour
  • 1. Which of the following is not a specific branch of government?
A) Legislative
B) Judicial
C) Cabinet
D) Executive
  • 2. How long is a term for the president?
A) 8 years
B) 6 years
C) Life
D) 4 years
E) 2 years
  • 3. How long is a term for a senator?
A) 2 years
B) Life
C) 4 years
D) 8 years
E) 6 years
  • 4. How long is a term for a representative?
A) Life
B) 2 years
C) 8 years
D) 6 years
E) 4 years
  • 5. How long do Supreme Court justices serve?
A) 6 years
B) 4 years
C) Life
D) 2 years
  • 6. Tax and spending bills must begin in the House of Representatives
A) False
B) True
  • 7. The president is the only person who can declare war.
A) True
B) False
  • 8. How old do you have to be to be president? (write only numbers)
  • 9. What is the minimum age to be a representative? (write only numbers)
  • 10. What is the minimum age to be a Senator? (write only numbers)
  • 11. You must be a citizen of the U.S. for 9 years to be a...
A) Representative
B) Senator
C) Supreme Court Justice
D) President
  • 12. Presidents are elected based on the total number of votes (called the popular vote)?
A) False
B) True
  • 13. Senators are elected based on the total number of votes (called the popular vote)
A) False
B) True
  • 14. You must be a citizen of the U.S. for at least 7 years to become a...
A) Senator
B) Representative
C) Supreme Court Justice
D) President
  • 15. Who chooses the justices of the Supreme Court?
A) Representatives
B) the people
C) President
D) Senators
  • 16. In your own words, describe the what each branch of government does.
  • 17. To be president you need to have been born in the U.S.
A) True
B) False
  • 18. The vice president is the head of the...
A) Supreme Court
B) House of Representatives
C) Senate
D) Executive Branch
  • 19. When there is no government at all, this is a form of
A) Anarchy
B) Communism
C) Socialism
D) Democracy
  • 20. Republicans are generally considered to be on this part of the political spectrum
A) Right
B) Bottom
C) Top
D) Left
  • 21. The Tea Party wants...
A) less government
B) more government
  • 22. In a communist system...
A) the government controls everything
B) there is no government
C) the government has limited control
D) the government leaders are voted on by the peopl
  • 23. The Legislative Branch of Government includes...
A) the Supreme Court
B) the President and the Cabinet
C) the House and the Senate
  • 24. The Judicial Branch of Government includes
A) the House and the Senate
B) the Supreme Court
C) the President and the Cabinet
  • 25. The Executive Branch of Government includes:
A) the President and the Cabinet
B) the House and the Senate
C) the Supreme Court
  • 26. If you were Occupying Wall Street you would probably want...
A) Fewer government programs
B) Fewer rules for businesses
C) More taxes on the wealthy
D) More rules on handguns
  • 27. The preamble of the Constitution begins with...
A) We hold these truths to be self evident
B) We the People
C) Four score and seven years ago
  • 28. When the economy does poorly for several periods in a row it is called...
A) a recession
B) a bull market
C) a 1%
D) a depression
  • 29. Which state has the first caucus in the nation?
A) California
B) New Hampshire
C) Iowa
D) Vermont
  • 30. You must register with this group if you raise money to become president.
  • 31. In this system of government, one person has all the control.
A) Monarchy
B) Theocracy
C) Oligarchy
D) Dictatorship
  • 32. In this system of government, religious leaders run the government.
A) Monarchy
B) Theocracy
C) Democracy
D) Dictatorship
  • 33. Name one country that has a theocracy.
  • 34. Name one country that has a monarchy
  • 35. Name one country that has a democracy
  • 36. Which style of government would you like to live in the least? Explain why.
  • 37. Describe how the Legislative Branch checks the Executive and Judicial Branches.
  • 38. Describe how the Executive Branch checks the Legislative and Judicial Branches.
  • 39. Describe how the Judicial Branch checks the Executive and Legislative Branches.
  • 40. Name 4 candidates who are still in the race for president
  • 41. Why is the Supreme Court a topic that is causing problems between Democrats and Republicans right now?
  • 42. Choose two types of government. Describe how they are similar to or different than a democracy.
  • 43. Where are you at on the political spectrum. Describe why you are on one part of the spectrum and not something else.
  • 44. Tell 2-3 items about viewpoints on taxes.
  • 45. Tell 2-3 items on viewpoints on immigration
  • 46. Tell 2-3 items on viewpoints on healthcare
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