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Intro to EcoSystems and Intro to Food Webs_Chains
Beigesteuert von: Messer
  • 1. How many MAIN CLASSIFICATIONS of Eco-Systems are there?
A) Four
B) Seven
C) Eleven
D) Three
  • 2. What is the Largest Eco-System of the classifications in Question one?
A) Tundra Ecosystems
B) Freshwater Ecosystems
C) Terrestrial Ecosystems
D) Ocean Ecosystems
  • 3. What Ecosystem only covers 1.8% of the Earth's Surface
A) Freshwater Ecosystem
B) Deciduous Forest Ecosystems
C) Ocean Ecosystems
D) Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • 4. What is the basis of all FOOD CHAINS
A) Animals
B) Bacteria
C) Consumers
D) Plants
  • 5. What is the END of EVERY Food Web?
A) Decomposers
B) Producers
C) Consumers
D) Scavengers
  • 6. How many Categories are in the Terrestrial Ecosystem?
A) Seven
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
  • 7. What is the BASE of the Freshwater FOOD WEB?
A) Plankton
B) Photosynthetic Plankton
C) Bacteria
D) Algae
  • 8. What is the BASE of the Ocean FOOD WEB?
A) Bacteria
B) Algae
C) Photosynthetic Plankton
D) Plankton
  • 9. What percentage of the Earth is covered by Oceans?
A) 1/4 of the Earth
B) 3/4 of the Earth
C) 2/3 of the Earth
D) 1/2 of the Earth`
  • 10. How many types of Ocean Ecosystems are there?
A) Four
B) Three
C) None
D) Two
  • 11. Which two Ocean Ecosystems have sunlight in them
A) Deep Ocean Surface and Deep Ocean Water
B) Shallow Ocean Surface and Freshwater Ocean
C) Shallow Ocean Water and Deep Ocean Water
D) Shallow Ocean Water and Deep Ocean Surface
  • 12. Photosynthesis creates ALL of our Oxygen. What percentage is created in the Oceans?
A) Fifty Percent
B) Ninety Percent
C) Forty Percent
D) Twenty Percent
  • 13. What Ecosystem has wind swept, dry, and ground always frozen?
A) Desert
B) Tundra
C) Coniferous Forest
D) Temperate Grasslands
  • 14. What is the Ecosystem that is MOST LIKE our own here in North Carolina?
A) Tundra
B) Temperate Grasslands
C) Deciduous Forest
D) Coniferous Forest
  • 15. What Ecosystem is Open, Wide Spaced Trees, and Seasonal Rainfall?
A) Temperate Grasslands
B) Deserts
C) Coniferous Forests
D) Savannas
  • 16. What Ecosystem has the MOST precipitation in a year?
A) Coniferous Forest
B) Deciduous Forest
C) Savannas
D) Tropical Rainforest
  • 17. Producers are called Producers because.....
A) Because they produce the most waste products
B) They are producing the most energy for the food chain
C) They are the production of the food chain
D) They produce their own food
  • 18. Consumers will eat
A) They are cannibals and eat their own type organisms
B) Producers and other consuers
C) Producers only
D) Consumers only
  • 19. A Prey can be a Predator?
A) False
B) Both True and False
C) Neither True nor False
D) True
  • 20. A Predator can be Prey?
A) False
B) True
C) Neither True nor False
D) Both True and False
  • 21. An Apex Predator CAN become Prey?
A) True
B) Neither True nor False
C) Both True and False
D) False
  • 22. An example of an Apex Predator is?
A) A Lion
B) All of these
C) Humans
D) A Eagle
  • 23. An example of a Decomposer is?
A) Vultures
B) All of these
C) Buzzards
D) Bacteria
  • 24. An example of a Scavenger is
A) Bacteria
B) A Lion
C) All of these
D) A Vulture
  • 25. How many Trophic Levels are represented by - Grass > Grasshopper > Mouse > Snake > Owl
A) Six
B) Four
C) Three
D) Five
  • 26. What Percent Energy do we actually receive when eating ANY Organism?
A) 20
B) 50
C) 90
D) 10
  • 27. What Ecosystem has Short Growing Seasons and Cold Winters
A) Deciduous Forest
B) Savanna
C) Coniferous Forest
D) Deserts
  • 28. Omnivores eat meat only
A) False
B) True
C) Both
D) Neither
  • 29. An organism that eats its OWN SPECIES is called a
A) Omnivore
B) Carnivore
C) Cannibal
D) Scavenger
  • 30. Decomposers break down organisms back to
A) Fungi
B) Vitamins and fat
C) Their elemental states and natural minerals
D) Fat and bone tissue
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