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7.1e Absolute Values and Opposites
Beigesteuert von: Burke
(Ursprünglicher Autor: Turner)
  • 1. |-14|
A) 14
B) -14
C) -28
D) 28
  • 2. What is the absolute value of -90
A) 90
B) 100
C) -90
D) -100
  • 3. The absolute value of a number is
A) where the number is located on the number line.
B) The distance the number is from zero
C) the number itself
D) The opposite of the number
  • 4. | 7|
A) 7
B) -14
C) 14
D) -7
  • 5. What is the absolute value of 12
A) 24
B) -24
C) 12
D) -12
  • 6. What is the opposite of -52
A) -25
B) 25
C) -52
D) 52
  • 7. When numbers are opposite they are
A) An equal distance from zero on the number line
B) Flipped around
C) They are two different distances away from zero on the number line.
D) Changed
  • 8. -|4|
A) 4
B) 8
C) -4
D) 0
  • 9. What is the opposite of 17?
A) 17
B) 17%
C) -17
D) 1/17
  • 10. |-32|
A) 1/32
B) -32
C) 32%
D) 32
  • 11. -|-5|
A) -10
B) -5
C) 5
D) 10
  • 12. What is true of two numbers that are opposites?
A) They are different distances from zero on a number line.
B) They are on the same side of zero on a number line.
C) There sum is always zero.
D) They have different absolute values.
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