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Los números del 1 al 999
Beigesteuert von: Angulo Íñigo
__1. 13A. three hundred and ninety
__2. 69B. thirteen
__3. 87C. sixty nine
__4. 178D. nine hundred and thirty four
__5. 390E. one hundred and seventy eight
__6. 534F. eight hundred and seventy six
__7. 800G. eighty seven
__8. 876H. eight hundred
__9. 934I. five hundred and thirty four
__10. 6047J. six thousan and fourty seven
__11. 9A. thirty two
__12. 14B. sixty eight
__13. 20C. fourty seven
__14. 32D. fourteen
__15. 36E. eigthy five
__16. 47F. nine
__17. 68G. twenty
__18. 74H. thirty six
__19. 85I. ninety five
__20. 95J. seventy four
__21. 58A. ninety eight
__22. 63B. sixty three
__23. 66C. fivety eigth
__24. 81D. four hundred
__25. 98E. eighty one
__26. 100F. three hundred
__27. 200G. one hundred
__28. 300H. sixty six
__29. 400I. eight hundred
__30. 800J. two hundred
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