Classify each number by naming all the subsets 
in which it is an element.


A.  Real, IrrationalB.  Real, RationalC.  Real, Rational, IntegerD.  Real, Rational, Integer, WholeE.  Real, Rational, Integer, Whole, Natural
Type in the correct
letter.  Answers can
be used more than once
Classify each number by naming all the subsets 
in which it is an element.


A.  Real, IrrationalB.  Real, RationalC.  Real, Rational, IntegerD.  Real, Rational, Integer, WholeE.  Real, Rational, Integer, Whole, Natural
Type in the correctletter.  Answers canbe used more than once 
Determine the property illustrated.
8 • ⅛ = 1
Additive Identity
Additive Inverse
 Multiplicative Identity
Multiplicative Inverse
Determine the property illustrated.
-8 + 0 = -8
Additive Identity
Additive Inverse
 Multiplicative Identity
Multiplicative Inverse
Determine the property illustrated.
3 + (-3) = 0
Additive Identity
Additive Inverse
 Multiplicative Identity
Multiplicative Inverse
Determine the property illustrated.
4/5 • 5/4 = 1
Additive Identity
Additive Inverse
 Multiplicative Identity
Multiplicative Inverse
Determine the property illustrated.
12 • 1 = 12
Additive Identity
Additive Inverse
 Multiplicative Identity
Multiplicative Inverse
Determine the property illustrated.
¼ • 1 = ¼
Additive Identity
Additive Inverse
 Multiplicative Identity
Multiplicative Inverse
7                   √49
√21                  5
6                   3/2
-3                   6
Write a statement using the trichotomy property.
                          Type in  < , > , or = 
√16              4
3.14              π
0                -3/8
- √7              2.6
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