LEC CBT for Basic 5&6 (English)
  • 1. Comprehension Passage A for questions 1-5 ''Casket'' as used in the passage means
A) bag
B) box
C) coffin
D) cloth
E) grave
  • 2. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A) The miser wanted to take all of his money to the afterlife
B) The miser wanted to take part of his money to his hometown
C) The miser wanted to give all of his money to his friends
D) The miser wanted to take none of his money to the afterlife
E) The miser wanted to give part of his money to his wife
  • 3. Who said ''Wait just a minute!''?
A) The undertakers
B) The neighbours
C) The miser
D) The wife
E) The wife's friend
  • 4. Where did the wife place the small box?
A) In the casket
B) On the casket
C) Below the casket
D) By the casket
E) Under the casket
  • 5. The wife put ______ in the casket
A) half of the money
B) only a kobo
C) just a cheque
D) part of the money
E) all the money
  • 6. Comprehension Passage B for questions 6-10. The man saw a group of _____ men busy stealing his things
A) six short
B) two thin
C) three tall
D) five hefty
E) four hefty
  • 7. When the man first called the police, _______ police officers came to help him
A) no
B) four
C) two
D) many
E) few
  • 8. After thirty seconds, what did the man do?
A) He went to the police station
B) He shouted at the thieves
C) He called the thieves
D) He called the station again
E) He killed the thieves
  • 9. Soon after the man said he had shot the thieves, ______ patrol cars arrived.
A) three
B) five
C) six
D) four
E) two
  • 10. At the end, ______ caught the thieves in the act.
A) the policemen
B) the man
C) neighbours
D) nobody
E) burglars
  • 11. Choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word in bracket. He never ______ his children to do what God (forbids).
A) allows
B) urges
C) leaves
D) appoints
E) forces
  • 12. Choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word in bracket. The trader often (sells) cheaper than he _______.
A) buys
B) eats
C) takes
D) stores
E) keeps
  • 13. Choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word in bracket. 'The secret of development is (knowledge),'' my teacher says everyday.
A) urges
B) leaves
C) forces
D) obedience
E) ignorance
  • 14. Choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word in bracket. Every teacher is like a candle that burns for the (success) of the learners.
A) victory
B) health
C) performance
D) failure
E) bravery
  • 15. Choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word in bracket. Islam encourages the (rich) to assist the _______ always.
A) weak
B) poor
C) great
D) wealthy
E) strong
  • 16. Choose the one which best explains the meaning of the word in bracket. Bola heard the abusive words of his neighbour but decided to (let the sleeping dogs lie). This means he decided ______
A) to wake the sleeping dog
B) to leave the sleeping dogs alone
C) not to respond
D) to fight
E) to respond
  • 17. Choose the one which best explains the meaning of the word in bracket. Instead of settling the dispute, Tunde only (added fuel to fire). This means he _______
A) put a pot on the stove
B) settled the fight
C) worsened the situation
D) added some fuel to stove
E) put the stove in fire
  • 18. Choose the one which best explains the meaning of the word in bracket. (''Waste not, want not,'') is my father's everyday advice. This means
A) if you do not waste now, you will not lack in the future
B) if you waste now, you will have in the future
C) if you lack now, you will waste in the future
D) if you have little now, you will have much in the future
E) if you have much now, you will waste in the future
  • 19. Choose the one which best explains the meaning of the word in bracket. Eventually the criminal decided to (turn himself in) so that his innocent friend could be set free. This means, he ______ himself.
A) saved
B) cleared
C) killed
D) surrendered
E) hid
  • 20. Choose the one which best explains the meaning of the word in bracket. Instead of (burning the candle at both ends), you need to plan well and give yourself enough time to rest. This means instead of ______ yourself
A) misguiding
B) overworking
C) under estimating
D) over estimating
E) misjudging
  • 21. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. There is ______ university in my town
A) many
B) few
C) a
D) the
E) an
  • 22. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. My school is on the next street. It's _______ big building with lots of flowers in the front
A) few
B) a
C) the
D) many
E) an
  • 23. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. 'Excuse me, is there ______ eatery nearby''?
A) an
B) a
C) the
D) many
E) few
  • 24. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. Can anyone tell me when _____ result of this exam will be out?
A) the
B) few
C) many
D) a
E) an
  • 25. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. Though, in 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon, the first woman ______ space was valentina Tereshkova from Russia
A) under
B) at
C) on
D) in
E) by
  • 26. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. Who ______ not know what a computer looks like?
A) was
B) does
C) do
D) are
E) is
  • 27. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. What did you have ______ lunch yesterday?
A) by
B) to
C) from
D) in
E) for
  • 28. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. Daddy always _______ home at the same time every week, so Mummy knows when to expect his call.
A) phon
B) phoning
C) phones
D) phone
E) phoned
  • 29. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. Ibrahim left ______ Kano yesterday to resume at his new duty post.
A) by
B) with
C) for
D) to
E) in
  • 30. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. Tola's dog ______ got seven puppies.
A) have
B) haven't
C) doesn't
D) hasn't
E) don't
  • 31. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. A wooden chair is made _____ wood.
A) with
B) by
C) without
D) from
E) of
  • 32. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. BRT is adapted ______ suit the needs of the disabled.
A) from
B) by
C) for
D) with
E) to
  • 33. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. We have a ______ in our street.
A) man watch night
B) night watch
C) watch night
D) night watchman
E) man night watch
  • 34. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. Bayo was caught in a ______ on the way to the examination centre.
A) traffic jam
B) jam's traffic
C) jam traffic
D) traffic's traffic
E) traffic's jam
  • 35. Choose the one which most appropriately fills in the gap. I wish I ______ 100% in this examination
A) scored
B) scores
C) scoring
D) have score
E) score
  • 36. Choose the correct plural form of the word in bracket. My brother said he could only see a (monkey) but I saw three _______ on the tree.
A) monkys
B) monkies
C) monkey
D) monkeys
E) monkeies
  • 37. Choose the correct plural form of the word in bracket. Gbemi is a (chief), he is among the local ________ having a meeting in the palace.
A) chieve
B) chiefs
C) chiefes
D) chief
E) chieves
  • 38. Choose the correct plural form of the word in bracket. This (baby) is one of the most beautiful _______ in the village
A) babies
B) babeys
C) baby
D) babys
E) captains
  • 39. Choose the correct plural form of the word in bracket. When a hunter kills a (deer), he knows that there are still many _______ in the forest.
A) deer
B) deeres
C) deer's
D) deers
E) diers
  • 40. Choose the correct plural form of the word in bracket. If an (ox) costs N20,000, two ______ may cost twice the amount.
A) oxs'
B) ox's
C) oxes
D) oxen
E) ox
  • 41. Choose the most appropriate of the options. Sugar is to tea as meat is to _____.
A) food
B) drink
C) eat
D) water
E) coffee
  • 42. Choose the most appropriate of the options. Ink is to pen as paint is to _______.
A) brush
B) colour
C) chalk
D) walls
E) stain
  • 43. Choose the most appropriate of the options. Switch is to electricity as ______ is to water.
A) plug
B) tap
C) clip
D) gum
E) pipes
  • 44. Choose the most appropriate of the options. School and teachers, market and _______.
A) cleaners
B) sellers
C) buyers
D) drivers
E) traders
  • 45. Choose the most appropriate of the options. Airplanes and pilots, ships and ______.
A) divers
B) engineers
C) drivers
D) captains
E) pirates
  • 46. A period of ten years is called a _______.
A) decade
B) millennium
C) century
D) minute
E) fortnight
  • 47. A period of fourteen consecutive days is known as a _______.
A) minute
B) decade
C) millennium
D) century
E) fortnight
  • 48. A period of 1000 years is called a _______.
A) millennium
B) decade
C) century
D) fortnight
E) minute
  • 49. A _______ year has 29 days in the month of February.
A) hop
B) leap
C) jump
D) walk
E) skip
  • 50. There are ______ weeks in a year
A) 56
B) 50
C) 58
D) 54
E) 52
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