Ecology Unit Vocabulary
  • 1. Any living thing:
A) individual
B) producer
C) organism
D) consumer
  • 2. One single organism. For example, one bear:
A) individual
B) community
C) producer
D) population
  • 3. All the individuals of one kind (one species) in a specified area at one time. For example, ten fish.
A) ecosystem
B) community
C) food pyramid
D) population
  • 4. All the living interacting populations in a specified area. For example, bear and fish:
A) community
B) population
C) food web
D) ecosystem
  • 5. A system of interacting organisms and nonliving factors in a specified area. For example, bear, fish and a stream:
A) community
B) food chain
C) ecosystem
D) population
  • 6. Living organisms and products of organisms:
A) ecosystem
B) community
C) abiotic
D) biotic
  • 7. Nonliving (rocks, water):
A) community
B) abiotic
C) biotic
D) ecosystem
  • 8. A sequence of organisms that eat one another in an ecosystem (algae --> fish --> bird):
A) food pyramid
B) food chain
C) food web
D) community
  • 9. All the feeding relationships in an ecosystem:
A) food pyramid
B) food web
C) food chain
D) ecosystem
  • 10. A kind of trophic-level diagram in the shape of a triangle in which the largest layer at the base is the producers with the first-level, second-level, and third-level consumers in the layers above:
A) food web
B) food chain
C) ecosystem
D) food pyramid
  • 11. An organism that is able to produce its own food through photosynthesis:
A) producer
B) decomposer
C) carnivore
D) consumer
  • 12. An organism that eats other organisms:
A) population
B) producer
C) autotroph
D) consumer
  • 13. The first level of consumers:
A) producer
B) secondary consumers
C) primary consumers
D) detrivore
  • 14. The second level of consumers:
A) secondary consumers
B) detrivore
C) primary consumers
D) producer
  • 15. An organism that consumes parts of dead organisms and transfers all of the biomass into simple chemicals:
A) decomposer
B) producer
C) herbivore
D) carnivore
  • 16. An organism that make its own food:
A) secondary consumers
B) primary consumers
C) autotroph
D) carnivore
  • 17. An organism that cannot make its own food and must eat other organisms:
A) herbivore
B) heterotroph
C) population
D) autotroph
  • 18. The process by which producers make energy-rich molecules (food) from water and carbon dioxide in the presence of light:
A) biomass
B) detritus
C) trophic levels
D) photosynthesis
  • 19. Functional role in a feeding relationship through which energy flows (i.e., producer, consumer, decomposer):
A) trophic levels
B) detritus
C) biomass
D) herbivore
  • 20. The total organic matter in an ecosystem:
A) herbivore
B) photosynthesis
C) food chain
D) biomass
  • 21. Small parts of organic material:
A) food chain
B) photosynthesis
C) detritus
D) herbivore
  • 22. An organism that eats detritus, breaking the organic material into smaller parts that a decomposer could use for food:
A) food chain
B) herbivore
C) photosynthesis
D) detrivore
  • 23. An organism that eats only meat:
A) omnivore
B) carnivore
C) detrivore
D) herbivore
  • 24. An organism that eats only plants:
A) herbivore
B) omnivore
C) detrivore
D) carnivore
  • 25. A consumer that eat both plants and animals:
A) omnivore
B) detrivore
C) herbivore
D) carnivore
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