The Odyssey, Part I
  • 1. Which of the following do the men NOT do on the island of Ismarus?
A) plunder their goods
B) forget about their home
C) enslave the women
D) slaughter the cattle
  • 2. Why does Odysseus think that they were defeated by the Cicones?
A) they weren't as strong
B) they were tired and hungry after traveling
C) they were not in Zeus' favor
D) the Cicones were angry at them for plundering their island
  • 3. What is Odysseus feeling while being held captive by Calypso?
A) relaxation from being worry-free
B) longings for home
C) anger at his crew for wanting to stay
D) nothing
  • 4. In the beginning of "The Lotus Eaters," what keeps Odysseus from reaching home?
A) the East, North, and South winds
B) his crew
C) the current in the ocean
D) a sea monster
  • 5. What happens to the crew members who eat the lotus?
A) they die
B) the forget about home
C) they turn into swine
D) they kill themselves
  • 6. What type of figurative language is used in the description of dawn coming "with ringlets shining"?
A) hyperbole
B) personification
C) metaphor
D) imagery
  • 7. Why does Odysseus not kill Polyphemus when he first gets the opportunity to do so?
A) Polyphemus was sleeping.
B) They needed Polyphemus to move the boulder.
C) He was afraid of Polyphemus' power.
D) He knew he would feel guilty.
  • 8. What does Odysseus do to escape from Polyphemus?
A) He stabbed him in the eye.
B) He exited the cave with the rams.
C) He tied himself to the belly of a sheep.
D) All of these.
  • 9. What lessons could people today learn from the Cyclops episode?
A) Think before you act.
B) Don't get trapped in a cave with a monster.
C) Take responsibility for your actions.
D) Tell others about your accomplishments.
  • 10. Insidious means:
A) in a sad and lonely state
B) holds dear
C) finished quickly
D) characterized by treachery
  • 11. What does the ghost of Elpenor request of Odysseus?
A) that he pray to Zeus
B) that he go home
C) that he leave the cattle alone
D) that Odysseus bury him
  • 12. What does Tiresias foretell?
A) All of these
B) Poseidon will seek revenge for stabbing Polyphemus.
C) If the cattle are harmed, Odysseus' crew will be destroyed.
D) They will encounter the cattle of Helios.
  • 13. How did Odysseus react upon the sight of his mother?
A) He shakes her hand.
B) He openly grieves.
C) He hugs her.
D) He doesn't look at her.
  • 14. What does Odysseus' crew do to him so that he can resist the Sirens' song?
A) They tie him up.
B) They put beeswax over their ears.
C) They send him to bed.
D) They send him under the deck.
  • 15. A squall washed the ship ashore. What does squall mean?
A) a violent storm
B) goods taken by force
C) enormous
D) a strong wind
  • 16. What does Odysseus use to protect his crew from the Sirens' song?
A) earplugs
B) beeswax
C) prayer
D) rope
  • 17. Scylla is a:
A) a powerful sorceress
B) monster made of gray rock
C) a whirlpool in the ocean
D) a beautiful singing nymph
  • 18. How many of Odysseus' men does Scylla kill?
A) 6
B) none
C) 8
D) all of them
  • 19. Which saying best describes the episode of Scylla and Charybdis?
A) "Caught between a rock and a hard place."
B) "Don't put your foot in your mouth."
C) "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."
D) "Don't let the cat out of the bag."
  • 20. Left in a sad and lonely state is:
A) dispatched
B) cherishes
C) bereft
D) mammoth
  • 21. According to Eurylochus, which type of death is the worst?
A) starvation
B) being eaten alive
C) burning
D) drowning
  • 22. Which god becomes angry at Odysseus and his crew for destroying his cattle?
A) Helios
B) Zeus
C) Poseidon
D) Polyphemus
  • 23. How does Odysseus manage to escape Charybdis?
A) by building a boat
B) none of these
C) by clinging to a fig tree
D) by praying to Zeus
  • 24. Who is the most powerful of the gods?
A) Athena
B) Agamemnon
C) Poseidon
D) Zeus
  • 25. Which of the following is an epithet in The Odyssey?
A) All of these
B) monster of gray rock
C) dawn's rosy fingertips
D) master of landways and seaways
  • 26. After turning Odysseus' men into swine, _______________ eventually gives Odysseus and his men valuable advice.
A) Scylla
B) Calypso
C) Siren
D) Circe
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