The Theory of Multiple Intelligences CBT
  • 1. Which of the following is not among the 8 intelligences?
A) Bodily-linguistic
B) Visual-spatial
C) Musical
D) Logical-mathematical
  • 2. Intrapersonal intelligence means the same as _____
A) self smart
B) people smart
C) body smart
D) word smart
  • 3. Visual-spatial intelligence means the same as ______
A) nature smart
B) picture smart
C) body smart
D) music smart
  • 4. Which of the following is not among the 8 learning styles?
A) Musical
B) Logical-mathematical
C) Verbal-kinesthetics
D) Visual-spatial
  • 5. The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in what year?
A) 1973
B) 1987
C) 1983
D) 1938
  • 6. The theory of multiple intelligences was developed by _______
A) Dr. Martin Powel
B) Dr. Shane Fredrick
C) Dr. Howard Gardner
D) Dr. Peter Parker
  • 7. The learners who use words effectively and have highly developed auditory skills and often think in words are described as having ______ intelligence
A) Logical-Mathematical
B) Visual-Spatial
C) Verbal-Linguistic
D) Bodily-Kinesthetic
  • 8. The learners who love to reason and calculate, think conceptually, abstractly and are able to see and explore patterns and relationships are described as having _________ intelligence.
A) Verbal-Linguistic
B) Visual-Spatial
C) Logical-Mathematical
D) Bodily-Kinesthetic
  • 9. The learners who think in terms of physical space, as do architects and sailors, who are very aware of their environments and like to draw, do jigsaw puzzles, read maps and daydream are described as having ____________ intelligence.
A) Logical-Mathematical
B) Visual-Spatial
C) Bodily-Kinesthetic
D) Verbal-Linguistic
  • 10. The learners who use the body effectively, like a dancer or a surgeon, who have a keen sense of body awareness, like movement, making things, touching, communicate well through body language and can be taught through physical activity, hands-on learning etc are described as having __________ intelligence.
A) Logical-Mathematical
B) Bodily-Kinesthetic
C) Verbal-Linguistic
D) Visual-Spatial
  • 11. Learners who show sensitivity to rhythm and sounds and learn through lyrics and tunes are said to be ________ smart.
A) music
B) nature
C) people
D) logic
  • 12. Learners who love interacting with others, learn through interaction and can be taught through group activities, seminars and dialogues are described as having _________ intelligence.
A) Visual-Spatial
B) Bodily-Kinesthetic
C) intrapersonal
D) interpersonal
  • 13. Learners who have a good understanding of their own interests and goals, who tend to shy away from others but are in tune with their inner feelings are described as having ___________ intelligence.
A) Visual-Spatial
B) Bodily-Kinesthetic
C) intrapersonal
D) interpersonal
  • 14. Learners who learn best by observing the natural environment, who love to feel nature by touching and appreciating plants, animals and natural objects like water and rocks are described as being __________ smart
A) nature
B) logic
C) picture
D) music
  • 15. How many types of intelligences are identified in the theory of Multiple Intelligences? Type your answer in words.
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