Technology- Unit 3 Exam
  • 1. A database and word-processing program have the same purpose.
A) False
B) True
  • 2. In Excel, a spreadsheet is a row-and-column arrangement of data.
A) True
B) False
  • 3. Microsoft Word is an example of word-processing software.
A) True
B) False
  • 4. Microsoft Access is an example of presentation software.
A) True
B) False
  • 5. In Excel, individual worksheets are stored within a workbook.
A) False
B) True
  • 6. Microsoft Word is one of the more widely used spreadsheet software programs.
A) True
B) False
  • 7. In PowerPoint, a theme is a predesigned set of fonts, colors, lines, fill effects, and other formatting.
A) True
B) False
  • 8. One of the effective presentation guidelines is to use no more than 100 words per slide.
A) False
B) True
  • 9. Each cell has a name, called the Cell Reference.
A) True
B) False
  • 10. In Microsoft Access, you can create slides, use transitions, and add animations to a presentation.
A) True
B) False
  • 11. In a worksheet, the point at which a column and row intersect or meet is called a(n):
A) Field
B) Object
C) Cell
D) View
  • 12. Which of these would be considered presentation software?
A) Microsoft Word
B) Microsoft Excel
C) Microsoft Access
D) Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 13. In a database program, a _____________ enables you to locate records by asking a question.
A) Formula
B) Form
C) Request
D) Query
  • 14. Multimedia software creates output that integrates all of these types of media, EXCEPT
A) Audio
B) Video
C) Image
D) Database
  • 15. The basic view for working with tables in a database is called:
A) Worksheet View
B) Datasheet View
C) Spreadsheet View
D) Workbook View
  • 16. The _______________ in a database table are called records.
A) Rows
B) Columns
C) Fields
D) Menus
  • 17. A _______________ is an animated effect that plays between slides.
A) Transition
B) Theme
C) Animation
D) Vector Graphic
  • 18. Which of the following is NOT one of the effective presentation guidelines?
A) One topic per slide
B) Use simple tables to present numbers
C) All of these are effective presentation guidelines
D) Use clip art sparingly and only where appropriate
  • 19. A _______________is a graphics program that is used for creating illustrations.
A) Drawing Program
B) Manipulation Program
C) Animation Program
D) Paint Program
  • 20. Which of the following is NOT a image file type?
  • 21. In class we discussed at least four activities for which we would use a word-processing program (Microsoft Word), a spreadsheet program (Microsoft Excel), a database program (Microsoft Access), and a presentation program (Microsoft PowerPoint). Think back to the table you created and write 1 paragraph (3-5 sentences) for EACH of the 4 programs listed above. Include 2-3 activities you would use each program for.
  • 22. WORD- Identify the part of the window labeled # 1.
A) Help Button
B) Quick Access Toolbar
C) Ruler
D) Vertical Scroll Bar
E) Zoom Controls
  • 23. WORD- Identify the part of the window labeled # 2.
A) Help Button
B) Vertical Scroll Bar
C) Quick Access Toolbar
D) Ruler
E) Zoom Controls
  • 24. WORD- Identify the part of the window labeled # 3.
A) Zoom Controls
B) Help Button
C) Ruler
D) Vertical Scroll Bar
E) Quick Access Toolbar
  • 25. WORD- Identify the part of the window labeled # 4.
A) Help Button
B) Ruler
C) Quick Access Toolbar
D) Zoom Controls
E) Vertical Scroll Bar
  • 26. EXCEL- Identify the part of the window labeled # 1.
A) Column
B) Name Box
C) Active Cell
D) Row
E) Sheet Tab
  • 27. EXCEL- Identify the part of the window labeled # 2.
A) Name Box
B) Sheet Tab
C) Row
D) Active Cell
E) Column
  • 28. EXCEL- Identify the part of the window labeled # 3.
A) Active Cell
B) Row
C) Sheet Tab
D) Name Box
E) Column
  • 29. EXCEL- Identify the part of the window labeled # 4.
A) Row
B) Active Cell
C) Column
D) Sheet Tab
E) Name Box
  • 30. POWERPOINT- Identify the part of the window labeled # 1.
A) Notes Pane
B) Outline
C) Text Placeholder
D) Slide Pane
  • 31. POWERPOINT- Identify the part of the window labeled #2.
A) Slide
B) Notes Pane
C) Outline
D) Text Placeholder
  • 32. POWERPOINT- Identify the part of the window labeled # 3.
A) Text Placeholder
B) Slide
C) Outline
D) Notes
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